"Fashion and Despair": Auction of "significant" pieces of clothing
4.10.2008, 9pm
The exhibition "Mode & Verzweiflung", a cooperation between Freiraum/quartier 21/Artist in Residence and the University of Applied Art Vienna, shows a political history of fashion in the Second Republic. The clothes of Austrian politicians have always been observed with great media attention in the public political sphere. The significance of political dress codes, their pertinence as well as their intended or unconscious contravention are the themes of the exhibition.
As part of the exhibition during the Long Night of Museums and as part of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, on 4 October articles of clothing of well-known politicians will be auctioned for a charitable donation. The auctioneer is Dr. Christoph Thun-Hohenstein (departure).
Artists in the exhibition: Bogomir Doringer (Amsterdam/Belgrade), Manuel Graf (Düsseldorf), Philip Mann (Berlin/London), Koki Tanaka (Tokyo), Stephanie Senge (Munich) and Annette Stahmer (Berlin)
Curators: Brigitte Felderer and Eva Blimlinger.