breadedEscalope (A) at wildwuchs – der Blumenladen im 2ten
2.10.2009, 6pm
BreadedEscalope are putting a new face on the flower shop wildwuchs and are also packaging a critical observation of our consumer behaviour in an amusing role play: unlimited and ready availability, as well as the “convenience” of goods, has become the norm in the food sector and corresponds to our fast-food reality. BreadedEscalope have now taken the appearance of fast food and transferred it to the fare offered up by a flower shop: their sales concept mimics the corporations’ convenience food, including the special labels, mascots, and packaging concepts. The contents, however, are totally different; for what is being sold here in the burger box are seeds in lovingly selected growing mixtures: sweet potatoes in “Sri Lanka-Kokoserde” (Sri Lankan coconut earth), basil on “Waldviertler Heimatboden” (Waldviertel home soil), or watercress in “Simmeringer Humusgrund” (Simmering humus soil). As this involves growing them yourself, in reality, adoptions and relationships are also being offered here, which after a while literally bear fruit as a result of our care: we are buying Slow Food in the truest sense of the word.