Bulb Fiction
KlausEngelhorn Depot, POLKA, mischer'traxler studio
The light bulb has been taken for granted; now, in its final days, we appreciate it all the more. Bulb Fiction shows radical lamp design from the late 1960s to the early 1970s from the collections of Klaus Engelhorn and Michael Turkiewicz and sets them besides contemporary light sources. The show, curated by Michael Turkiewicz and Gabriele Ruff, focuses on the light bulb both in itself and as an incorporated and essential element using applied lighting technologies within a luminaire where the design far exceeds functionality. Combination light sources demonastrate the creeping transition from the incandescent light bulb to the energy-saving bulb.
Displayed are objects of various artists such as Michael Anastassiades, Claassen & Partner, Florence Doléac, Charlotte Dumoncel d’Argence, Joel Degermark, Lonneke Gordijn/Drift, Rody Graumans, Stuart Haygarth, Tomas Hoke, Chris Kabel, mischer’traxler, NEXT architects & Aura Luz Melis, Polka, PRINZGAU/podgorschek, Tejo Remy und Marcus Tremonto.