Museum of Revolution, 2010
Marko Lulic
Museum of Revolution, 2010 Marko Lulic , Belvedere, Wien


Debate about Creativity in the „20er Haus”

Die Presse

3.10.2010, 11am–3pm

Creatives still have problems receiving just recompense for their services; traditional entrepreneurs still do not understand the costs of creative services. Journalists from Die Presse daily newspaper will discuss with creatives and experts what creativity costs or should cost.

Welcome: Agnes Husslein-Arco, Direktorin Belvedere

Katharina Dankl, DanklHampel Design
Adolf Krischanitz, Architekt
Christopher Lettl, Institut für Entrepreneurship und Innovation WU
Gerin Trautenberger, creativ wirtschaft austria

Moderation: Ulrike Weiser, „Die Presse“ Kreativ

Advance registration is requested at
Updates can be found at

Following the discussion, the Belvedere and Die Presse cordially invite visitors to a building-site brunch and an exclusive tour of the 20er Haus.