ecoLUCY – Paper lighting objects
Technische Universität Wien (TU), Abteilung für Raumgestaltung und nachhaltiges Entwerfen
In the summer semester 2011, twelve students began with the SUDECO (Sustainable Design and Communication Strategies) module of the Department for Spatial and Sustainable Design under the supervision of Erwin K. Bauer, Harald Gründl, Anton Kottbauer, Beatrix Roidinger, and Marc Wallerberger. With sustainability in mind, the idea was to design lighting objects from one material alone; and paper was the choice. Under the label ‘Ecolucy’, lighting
objects were developed with the goal of uniting paper, light, sustainability, and design. The exhibition will be accompanied by furniture out of cardboard by Günter Pichler from the ‘Werkstatt Raum’. Works by Martin Breitfellner, Elisabeth Etzler, Johannes Fink, Edith Fuchs, Lisa Geiszler, Dorothee Huber, Philipp Moherndl, Monika
Rycerz, Johannes Salzbrunn, Benedikt Schlager, Eva Rauchmann, and Nora Wittmann.