MAK Design Shop/ After Work Meeting Point: Les Tartes
Markus Hanakam & Roswitha Schuller
MAK Design Shop
4.10.2011, 5pm–7pm
The comparison between the ornamental beautification of what are actually modern, anonymous architectural structures with the sugar icing on a torte cites a metaphor that was already discovered in the representational buildings of the Stalin era, the so-called ‘gingerbread style’.
Hanakam & Schuller’s ‘Tartes’ are the product of the artist pair’s ongoing occupation with dessert surfaces and toppings, which they explore and apply as a sculptural medium. They translate the forms and colour schemes of these toppings into video animations, computer applications, objects, and small furniture articles. The ‘Tarte’ series is a mixture of computer graphics, objects, and cut-out sheets. Twelve cut-out sheets from different theme groups produce
a whole tarte.
In cooperation with the MAK Design Shop they will
be issued as a calendar edition for the year 2012.