Guided Tour 3: Design goes Ottakring/Hernals
Gabriela Steiner-Scharfetter
6.10.2012, 3pm–6pm
The tour starts at the former “Grand Etablissement Gschwandner” which this year is the festival headquarters with innumerable design events and pop-up café. Various stops round about the Ottakring Brewery and the up and coming Brunnenviertel demonstrate that the districts bordering on Ottakringer Strasse are fully equipped and ready for take-off in design and creativity.
Education Guided Tour (on foot)
Start: Das Gschwandner, 17., Geblergasse 36-30 (15 min. before start)
Dates: Mo 1.10., 3 pm/Wed 3.10., 3 pm/Sat 6.10., 10 am
Duration: approx. 3 hrs.
Tickets: € 4 (up to 18 years of age), € 6 students, € 9 adults, free for children under 6
max. 20 participants
in German (English if needed)
With: Gabriela Steiner-Scharfetter
Registration online, see booking tool