mikimartinek in the d.sign:context
This year mikimartinek is presenting her latest designs on Stubenring 6. Every day until 20 October visitors can view collector’s pieces, small series and experiments including:
• “born 1929”: the designer places chairs of the nineteen-twenties and thirties in the limelight and explores qualities of furniture designs and innovation in times of crisis.
• “The shell of the chairs and the shell of bodies touch each other in their materiality”: mikimartinek deals with new prototypes in design and textiles.
• “Wine and Water”: her elegant glasses will grace the cocktail hour on Monday, this time in d.sign:context.
• “Die gute neue Stube – Renovating the parlour”: every Thursday mikimartinek sends out a special invitation to students to come to the “Stubenbasics” on Stubenring 6. The gute alte Stube is the traditional parlour, “kept for best”.