Talking about: Berlin. The creative scene Berlin versus Vienna
Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, Lucas Verweij
6.10.2012, 5pm–7pm
As part of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Talks, departure puts a multi-angled spotlight onto forms of exchange and cooperation. The creative axis Berlin-Vienna is characterised by questions of the open transfer of experience and learning from one another; by aspirations, new spaces and work processes.
With Berlin we associate a cosmopolitan openness to the world, creative freedom and scope to grow; a conglomeration of creative people, all looking for and staking claims to their place. What messages and discoveries do Berlin designers, teachers and experts bring to Vienna? And what do we want to give back to them?
Guests Berlin:
Frederik Frede (Grafikdesigner, Freunde von Freunden)
Prof. Fons Hickmann (Grafikdesigner und Typograf)
Prof. Axel Kufus (Produktdesigner)
Jörg Suermann (Geschäftsführer DMY Berlin)
Guests Vienna:
Thomas Feichtner (Industriedesigner)
Lilli Hollein und Tulga Beyerle (Direktorinnen der VIENNA DESIGN WEEK)
Bettina Leidl (Geschäftsführerin departure)
mischer’traxler (Produkt- und Ausstellungsdesigner)
Andreas Pohancenik (Grafikdesigner und Raumgestalter)
Moderation: Lucas Verweij (Architekt, Autor und Dozent)