Tour 4: Focus Wieden (4th District)
Gabriela Steiner-Scharfetter
29.9.2013, 11am–2pm
Situated between Karlsplatz and the future Central Station, the 4th Viennese District is stepping into the spotlight with temporary design presentations, Passionswege projects and events. There’s a whole lot to discover – not only traditional Wieden shops and firms but also this year’s Festival Headquarters in a former school building with its many exhibitions and the Pop-up Café will become a hotspot of the festival.
Donauer Lampshades, 4., Favoritenstraße 68
(please bring ticket for public transport with you, meet 15 mins. before start)
Duration: approx. 3 hrs.
Tickets: € 4 (up to age 18), € 6 students, € 9 adults, free for children under 6
Max. 20 participants
In German (English if needed)
With: Gabriela Steiner-Scharfetter