Future Urban Mobility
[r+d] post-carbon Vienna
A visionary look into the future was offered by the exhibition FUTURAMA REDUX in the Festival Headquarters of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. Tying in with Norman Bel Geddes’s iconic show at the New York World Fair of 1939, which endeavored to anticipate a model of the city in 20 years, it showed a countermodel to the ideas of that time. Taking Vienna and the surroundings of the Brotfabrik Wien as case study, three design teams worked out mobility concepts for a post-fossil fuels era. Based on empirical data and the latest knowledge, they addressed three core topics – energy, space and life – and using large-scale visualizations they demonstrated concrete models for transport and urban planning. Visitors could go on a tour with the designers, where they had the opportunity of asking questions and learning more about their ideas.