Werkraum Bregenzerwald
30.9.2016, 2pm–7pm
Welcome to Vienna! What’s new in 2016 for VIENNA DESIGN WEEK co-founder Thomas Geisler is not only the business management of the Werkraum Bregenzerwald, what’s also new is the cumulative potency of arts and crafts
of world significance that found its permanent place in the urban context, too, hosted by the branch of moor & moor on the Danube Canal. Like the brilliant Werkraumhaus by Peter Zumthor, the new showroom serves equally as meeting place and major showcase – as a shop window for the culture of life and handicrafts in the Bregenz Forest. On show was the collection of simple and
everyday furniture and utensils that the ninety or so member operations of the
Werkraum Bregenzerwald collaborate on. “Wälder” handicrafts of world significance in Vienna!