DEPARTURE TALK 1: NEIGUNGSGRUPPE DESIGN. OR: HOW IT ALL STARTED… The Vienna Business Agency presents departure in focus
Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, VIENNA DESIGN OFFICE
2.10.2016, 2pm
Just turned ten and already quite a size. A birthday, as we know, is a good time to look back and reflect. And the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is no exception. In concrete terms, this involved a get-together of the festival’s founding members
– Tulga Beyerle, Thomas Geisler, and Lilli Hollein – in order to review yet again the breakneck development of the festival and – what else on a birthday – to eat cake, of course. Because in actual fact a great deal has happened since the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK was born ten years ago. How the festival year in and year out deals with the city as asset, what role the Passionswege play in it, and
how it acts as an agile forum in changing key focuses and creating trends – these and other themes were discussed by the founding team, together with a loyal supporter: Thank you for hosting the talk, Erwin K. Bauer!
Thank you for the cake, Elisabeth Noever-Ginthör!