Anniversary Program #tenyears



Bleed, Christian Hoffelner, Say Say Say, Inc., Vinz Schwarzbauer, Maria Prieto Barea, Daniel Triendl, phospho, Afloat, Cin Cin,

9.10.2016, 6pm

Ten years, ten days, ten double spreads. On the occasion of the this year’s anniversary, Austrian designers are each invited to collect impression on one of the festival days and to transpose these on the following day into an ad-hoc magazine in the Festival Headquarters Open Office. As a freely accessible workroom, the temporary office demonstrates design processes, creates points of contact, every evening providing a meet-andgreet environment. Within a period of ten days, a multifaceted compendium is created in a limited edition – a magazine, so to speak, as a birthday token.

You can meet the following designers in the Open Office:
Fri 30.9. Marc Damm, Astrid Feldner (Bleed)
Sat 1.10. Vinz Schwarzbauer
Sun 2.10. Christian Hoffelner (CH Studio)
Mon 3.10. Jutta Wacht, René Poell (Say Say Say, Inc.)
Tue 4.10. Stephan Göschl, Jasmin Roth (Cin Cin)
Wed 5.10. Lukas Muellner (Afloat)
Thu 6.10. Roland Hörmann (phospho)
Fri 7.10. Daniel Triendl
Sat 8.10. Maria Prieto Barea
Sun 9.10. Constantin Demner (