Virtual & Augmented Reality
Virgil Widrich
„What do the walls of the former Sophienspital, which date back to the monarchy, have to say when you look at them long enough?“ was the question Virgil Widrich himself asked in the runup to the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. And he had an answer ready. In a customarily meticulous way, he installed a loop of a video work that made the room’s tiniest details as big as the world and, inspired by its literary model, led straight to madness: Xavier de Maistre’s 1794 novel “Voyage autour de ma chambre” (“A Journey Round My Room”) is the fantastic miniature trip of a writer sentenced to 42 days of rest and immobility. Trapped among his furniture, he can do no more than “travel” from one wall to another – a journey that the festival audience was more than happy to undertake with Widrich, a special kind of experience of space.