ZOOM Kindermuseum, Sarah Maria Kamleitner / Johann Kamleitner
Father, daughter, and Mother Nature – in their joint project, Johann (Farmer) and Sarah Kamleitner (Fine artist) addressed themes involving agriculture and the food industry: From the field to the germinating seed to the threshed ear – how much energy, time, and effort is required to produce a ton of grain? Both children and adults could find answers to these questions in a number of workshops held in and around the ZOOM Children’s Museum. A charming journey for the senses, a family outing through a wheat field that explained complex connections in an easily digestible and accessible way, which was fittingly recognized with the Erste Bank ExtraVALUE Design Award.
The project will be on display in 2019 as part of the Festival of Regions in the Perg-Strudengau region.