FvF / Philipp Forstner
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK / Kollektiv Fischka / P. Jakob

Urban Food & Design

Guided Tour


Wirtschaftsagentur Wien

1.10.2018, 2pm

How can food be produced in an urban context sustainably and in a way that uses as few

resources as possible? Which new sources of food can be exploited? Approaches from the field of circular economy, the zero-waste movement, and industrial design show how pioneering urban food production can work. The departure Tour shone a light on food production and the inspiration provided by the creative economy and design. Participants visited Viennese companies such as the mushroom growers Hut & Stiel, the insect breeder Zirp, and the traditional Staud’s company, which has been transforming fruits and vegetables into delicacies in Vienna’s 16th district since 1883.