Urban Food & Design
Guided Tour
Wirtschaftsagentur Wien
4.10.2019, 3pm–5.30pm
Food waste and the negative carbon footprint of production necessitate new approaches and alternative concepts for consumption.
How can it be utilized as a means of inclusion? What are parameters for the supply, character, and atmosphere of a new consumer culture?
How and where can incentives to change one’s own consumer behavior in the public space be most effective? And what will eating in the consumer space be like when socially just structures provide the framework? On the departure Tour, Viennese companies and gastronomic businesses that work with sustainable and fair consumption will be visited. With their donation, the tour’s participants
reward and acknowledge the dedication of the magdas Hotel’s employees, where refugees are introduced to the labor market.
With: GOODGOODs, magdas Hotel, Unverschwendet
Donation of € 4
Limited number of participants
Registration at departure@wirtschaftsagentur.at