Momentum of Light – Zumtobel Group Annual Report 20/21
designaustria, designforum Wien
The 30th edition of the Zumtobel Group's designed Annual Report 2020/21 features 'Momentum of Light', a masterpiece of photography by Dutch photographer Iwan Baan, created in interdisciplinary collaboration with this year's Pritzker Prize winner and Berlin-based architect Francis Kéré. It impressively documents the role of natural light in vernacular architecture and in the lives of the people of Burkina Faso, Africa. Iwan Baan has succeeded in capturing the strong contrast of light in this environment - between the glaring sunlight outside during the day and the complete darkness inside the traditional buildings as well as after nightfall - authentically and in a fascinating way. The graphic staging was realized by the Dutch design studio Haller Brun. The edition is one of the winners of the competition 'The Best Dutch Book Designs 2021'.
Free entrance!
On 16.9. and 20.9. there will also be talks by Nicholas Bonner and MAY+SPIES respectively at the designforum Wien.