Guided Tour
KENH Architekten, Isabella Lehner-Oberndorfer
29.9.2023, 4pm–5.30pm
Playing children, visitors to the Wurstelprater, commuters, people with no fixed abode … around 150,000 individuals with a wide range of behaviors and lengths of stay cross Vienna’s Praterstern every day. The objective of the latest remodeling of the transport hub by KENH Architekten and D\D Landschaftsplanung was to create a dynamic, green space that meets the needs of this highly diverse group of users. A year after the completion of the project, the lead architect Eric-Emanuel Tschaikner invites visitors on a dialog tour, during which they can evaluate the interventions that were designed to improve both the user experience and the subjective sense of safety at the Praterstern from a range of perspectives. For example, the concept developed together with social workers and representatives of the homeless sought to create a surplus of places to rest and, hence, enough space for everyone. The tour begins at the former police station from the 1980s (Hedy and Michael Wachberger) in the heart of the square. The pavilion-like structure was remodeled and refurbished by KENH and is now home to an outpost of the Café Engländer.
A binding reservation must be made in advance at
Please be at the meeting point 15 minutes before the start of the tour.
Language: German, English upon request
Tickets: Adults € 12,
Students € 10, up to 18 years € 7,
Children under 6 and Kulturpass free
Maximum 25 people