
10 years edition - Thomas Feichtner

Due to our anniversary year we are inviting designers - who already participated in the festival through the years - to design one part of a "festival edition". We present these on one by one in our channels. It will be shown as a whole during the 10th VIENNA DESIGN WEEK from 29.9. to 9.10. Today … more

10 years edition - Kueng Caputo

Due to our anniversary year we are inviting designers - who participated in the festival during the past 10 years - to design one part of a "festival edition". We will present these one by one in our channels. All editions will be shown during the 10th VIENNA DESIGN WEEK from 29.9. to 9.10. Today … more

10 years edition - Okolo

Due to our anniversary year we are inviting designers - who already participated in the festival through the years - to design one part of a "festival edition". We present these on one by one in our channels. It will be shown as a whole during the 10th VIENNA DESIGN WEEK from 29.9. to 9.10. Today … more

10 years edition - Robert Rüf

Due to our anniversary year we are inviting designers - who already participated in the festival through the years - to design one part of a "festival edition". We present these on one by one in our channels. It will be shown as a whole during the 10th VIENNA DESIGN WEEK from 29.9. to 9.10. Today … more

10 years edition - Robert Stadler

Due to our anniversary year we are inviting designers - who already participated in the festival through the years - to design one part of a "festival edition". We present these on one by one in our channels. It will be shown as a whole during the 10th VIENNA DESIGN WEEK from 29.9. to 9.10. Today … more

window gallery Opening: New Design University - Look at the Book

Our exhibition series for young, Austrian and international design positions in the window gallery of the VIENNA DESIGN OFFICE at stilwerk Vienna will continues: We cordially invite you to the opening of the window gallery LOOK AT THE BOOK by graduating students of NEW DESIGN UNIVERSITY St. Pölten … more

VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Publication and Kickstarter campaign 29 April – 30 May

For the festival’s tenth anniversary the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is bringing out a publication describing and evaluating strategies for activating the city and the creative industries; it also reviews its best projects and initiatives, and presents an in-depth survey of the formats it has initiated and … more

Einreichfrist verlängert bis 30. Mai! outstanding artist award 2016 - Experimentelles Design

Das Bundeskanzleramt Österreich lobt den outstanding artist award 2016 in der Kategorie Experimentelles Design aus. Dieser Designpreis wird für Designkonzepte, Projekte und Produktideen mit einem experimentellen und forschenden Ansatz ausgeschrieben. Die Organisation und Durchführung obliegt dem … more

window gallery opening: "Dress a Bulb - Lampshades for Nomads" by Patrycja Domanska

Eröffnung am 26. April 2016, 18 Uhr in der window gallery, stilwerk Wien. In ihrer Ausstellung „Dress A Bulb – Lampshades For Nomads“ zeigt die Designerin Patrycja Domanska eine Sammlung von Leuchtenschirmen aus Tyvek, welche sich durch ihre innovative Materialität und traditionelle Verarbeitung … more
Nadine C. Settele

Wir suchen Handwerksbetriebe aus dem 5. Bezirk

PASSIONSWEGE unterstützt von der Wirtschaftskammer Wien … Die Wirtschaftskammer Wien und die VIENNA DESIGN WEEK suchen nach Handwerksbetrieben und Unternehmen, die mit ihrem Betrieb in Wien Margareten ansässig und an einer Teilnahme an den diesjährigen Passionswege interessiert sind. Wenn Sie mit … more