
Naschmarkt, David Payr

Programms – Partners – Players

As before, almost all of the programme highlights have free entry. There are eight programme formats and several focal points, and we will outline the festival contents accordingly in this text. You will receive your copy of the generally valid Festival Guide at the end of August. However, if you’d … more
german design council

D3 Contest 2012

Up to 30 new product designs, the work of design students and young designers from around the world, will be preselected and featured in a special exhibition for the ninth time. The jury for the design competition, the Interior Innovation Award 2012, (due to be held at imm cologne) will then choose … more
Finde den VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Stuhl!, Myra Waltl

Carte Blanche meets Caritas Vienna

This year, VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is setting up a cooperation with Caritas Vienna. As one of five Carte Blanche projects, the designer Michael Fetz and the sociologist / photographer Florian Rainer will focus on youth poverty and homelessness. Fruitful synergies are already visible: various chairs … more

VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Debut + James Dyson Award

The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Debut, established in 2009, is a cooperative project with the James Dyson Award and the James Dyson Foundation. The format has been developed as a platform for advanced university students and young professionals from the areas of product and industrial design. Ten of the … more
Vienna Design Week Farben
Vienna Design Week Farben, Christof Nardin/ Bueronardin, 2011

Coral and Respberry

Coral-red and respberry-violet are our colors this year! And we want more! Show us your favorite sweater, bikini, shoes, plant, food in this juicy combination of colors! The best, greatest, funniest, prettiest images will be shown on VIENNA DESIGN WEEK on facebook and will be awarded with great … more
Radobot by Talia Radford
Radobot by Talia Radford

Radobot by Talia Radford for taliaYsebastian

A rapid prototyping machine produces the content of a Rado watch as well as some objects refer to the topic "time". "Open source allows us to recreate, rebuild or to re-interpret our products inspired by objects which already exist", Talia Redford specifies her project. Until July 17, the Radobot … more
Embassy Sofia Heuriger on Tour
Embassy Sofia Heuriger on Tour, Corina Binder

Embassy Sofia Heuriger on Tour

Marco Dessi, Bindermayer, Antoinette Bader, Breaded Escalope, dottings, MARCH GUT, Adam Wehsely Swiczinsky, Thomas Feichtner, Mischer’Traxler, Miki Martinek, Julia Landsiedl, Vandasye, Sebastian Zachl, Patrick Rampelotto und Fritz Pernkopf, Herbert Klamminger, Thomas Hasenbichler, Valentin Vodev … more
Embassy Belgrade Heuriger on tour
Embassy Belgrade Heuriger on tour, Corina Binder und Lena Goldsteiner

Embassy Belgrade Heuriger on tour Part 2

In october the Vienna Design Week invites "the world" to Vienna - during the year, it represents Austrian Design around the world! At the moment the Vienna Design Week presents Austrian designers and their entrepreneurs at the place-to-be Mikser festival in Belgrade, on the banks of the danube.
aws design: red dot award 2011 für Skibindungen
aws design: red dot award 2011 für Skibindungen

aws designteam receives the dot design award 2011

Innovation, comfort, design - the skibinding 2011 has to show many talents to exist on the market for amateur skiers and top-athletes alike! The aws designbüro and the ski-producer can be pleased to succeed in the world of sports as well as among design professionals. Congratulations!
Heuriger 1/4 Ernst 3/4 Vergnügen zu Gast at Mikser Festival
Heuriger 1/4 Ernst 3/4 Vergnügen zu Gast at Mikser Festival, Corina Binder und Lena Goldsteiner

VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Embassy 2011 Belgrade

Ausg´steckt is! This year´s VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Embassy features a successful contribution of last year’s festival – “Heuriger on Tour”. It provides you with products from up and coming Austrian designers just as much as with wine and music. This is a contemporary concept and interpretation of the … more