
Zucker-Löffel von Makkink & Bey
Zucker-Löffel von Makkink & Bey, Makkink & Bey

Silver Shines and Sugar Sticks

The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK has exciting design teams in its portfolio every year, but only now, in its fourth year, has the festival’s team of directors succeeded in linking up with the LIECHTENSTEIN MUSEUM for a collaboration with substance, for the museum has long been a generous host of the opening … more
Ein Haufen Stapel
Ein Haufen Stapel, Sarah Kueng & Lovis Caputo

Ein Haufen Stapel

Tagtäglich werden Tonnen von Altpapier gesammelt und gebündelt. Kueng Caputo wird während der VIENNA DESIGN WEEK mit einfachsten Eingriffen diese Altpapierbündel zu wunderbaren Objekten verwandeln. Kueng Caputo lädt alle herzlich ein, mit oder ohne Papier-Bündel im VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Labor im … more

IKEA Democratic Designers - apply now!

Multidisciplinary, original, eager to experiment , collaborative: these are the traits of the ideal applicant for the IKEA Democratic Designers Competition, held live during this year’s VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. The more colourful the biographies and more diverse the team members, the bigger the chance … more
Tape Installation by for use/Numen at DMY Berlin
Tape Installation by for use/Numen at DMY Berlin, For Use/Numen

Design Needs Ambassadors

The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is also on the go during the remaining 355 days of the year and outside the Vienna city limits as an ambassador for the design world. The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Embassy is a format that is put into action at partner festivals, such as the DMY International Design Festival in … more
Gijs Bakker
Gijs Bakker, Gijs Bakker

Why Design?

Sometimes the easiest questions are the hardest to answer. „Why Design?“ is the question asked by departure and the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. Addressed are four very special speakers from the design world invited to this year’s talk series at the Vienna k/hauskino. The question may be answered very … more
kollektiv fischka/, Birgit Grabner

Whoever has been diligent wants to be rewarded

The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Pilgrim’s Pass was created last year for enthusiastic festival visitors to record how many stations their passion for design had taken them to. The reward for all that work? A pass full of colourful stamps, a Pilgrim’s Pin à la VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, and in the best-case … more
"...bitt' schön, die Herren!"
"...bitt' schön, die Herren!", Zajc/Zündel

Design Encounters

The chairs from all different decades will soon be making their appearance once again, marking the event locations in this year’s festival colour of brilliant yellow. Rudolf Zündel and Wolfgang Zajc have not only staged the signage photographically, as they have in the past years, but this year … more