Christian Hoffelner
CH Studio is a micro-scale graphic design atelier founded by Christian Hoffelner in 2009, based in Vienna. The studio works for private and institutional clients, collaboratively and academically as well as a project self-initiator – all the while focusing on printed matter and typography. CH Studio designs books and printed matter, digital applications and concepts for visual identities.Christian Hoffelneris a graphic designer, writer, and editor. He holds a master’s degree in architecture from the University of Technology in Graz and graduated in Book Design/Graphic Design from the Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig. He was awarded Die schönstenBücherÖsterreichs 2015 prize in the artist’s books category for the design of “MarušaSagadin. ©MMXV“. Christian Hoffelnerteaches at various academic institutions.
SchönbrunnerStraße 31/11
1050 Wien