Erwin K. Bauer
Erwin K. Bauer runs buero bauer, a company for orientation and identity, and one of Austria’s leading interdisciplinary design offices. Clear orientation and an independent identity characterize its communication in the areas of print, interactive, and space.
Bauer intensifies what he does through design and networks the office’s practical work with the still new field of design research. His many years of experience of teaching at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and other institutions provide an exciting sphere of experimentation and discussion. He gives lectures and workshops in Austria and abroad, belongs to expert juries, and regularly writes about design.
Self-initiated projects – such as the INCLUDE Initiative für Inclusive Orientation Design – provide strong inspiration for a lively design discourse. Articles and books document research and knowledge.
Weyringergasse 36/1
In der Alpenmilchzentrale
1040 Wien