Jana Frantal
Jana Frantal is a graphic designer based in Vienna. Her focus lies on interdisciplinary design and the (visual) communication of identities. Concepts and systems play an equally important role in her work as intuition, coincidence, and chaos. Frantal is politically active in a number of different initiatives such as the Donnerstagsdemos and the campaign “Wir für den ORF”. In self-initiated projects, she works with themes such as feminism and postcapitalism. Frantal studied graphic design at Vienna’s University of Applied Arts and Werbe Akademie in addition to corporate communication at the FH Wien. She co-founded the design office Buero SF and Wohnwagon, a company specializing in sustainable living and themes relating to climate policy.
Jana Frantal
Sigmundsgasse 9/1
1070 Wien
Sigmundsgasse 9/1
1070 Wien