Laurenz Kyral
Laurenz Kyral is a young designer and craftsman, whose work combines an understanding
for design with technical know-how. After completing his bachelor’s studies in manual and
material culture at the New Design University (NDU) St. Pölten, he spent time as an intern
with the company Martelleria, where he worked on such things as metal objects for Ingo
Maurer. He now works in the metalworking studio of his father Ludwig Kyral. In addition to
this, Laurenz Kyral teaches drawing at the NDU St. Pölten and has also completed the
master’s course in conceptual architectural heritage preservation at the University for
Continuing Education Krems. Laurenz Kyral produces small series and objects from
nonferrous metal that he designs himself and creates individual objects and spatial concepts
that pay close attention to local conditions.
Cumberlandstraße 24
1140 Vienna