Die Südfassade des Gartenpalais Liechtenstein
entworfen von Architekt Domenico Martinelli (1650–1718), um 1700
Die Südfassade des Gartenpalais Liechtenstein entworfen von Architekt Domenico Martinelli (1650–1718), um 1700, LIECHTENSTEIN MUSEUM. Die Fürstlichen Sammlungen, Wien


The LIECHTENSTEIN MUSEUM in Vienna presents exquisite masterpieces covering five centuries of European art from the collections of Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein: the result of the careful collecting process undertaken by the House of Liechtenstein is accessible in the restored garden palace in Vienna’s Rossau district, where one is transported into a thoroughly Baroque world. The visitor has only to enter the spacious Sala Terrena to become immediately entranced by the golden carriage of Prince Joseph Wenzel I of Liechtenstein. The Neo-Classical library, as well as the Hercules Hall, with its monumental frescoes by Andrea Pozzo, make up the further highlights of a tour of the museum. The Hercules Hall, the largest sacred Baroque hall in Vienna, provides a setting on Sundays for high-calibre concerts.

Fürstengasse 1

1090 Wien