magdas HOTEL
magdas HOTEL is Austria’s first social business hotel and part of the magdas social business group, which was founded by Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna in 2012. The objective of the group as a whole is to find entrepreneurial solutions to social issues, wherever this is logical and possible. Guests from all around the world come together in magdas HOTEL, where people who arrived in Austria as refugees are also trained as catering and hotel professionals.
It remains difficult for former refugees to find work in Austria. Initial problems with the German language, the resentment of many employers, and the fact that they may only accept a job after the approval of their asylum application (which can often take months or even years) make integration even harder. “We are convinced that people who arrive from abroad are particularly well-placed to strengthen the operation of a hotel, given that they offer a broad range of abilities, talents, languages, and cultural backgrounds and, hence, enable a hotel to occupy a very special position on the market. This conviction is completely borne out by the experiences that we have enjoyed since opening our first location in February 2015.”
Ungargasse 38
1030 Vienna