Marien Apotheke Wien
Colorful, more colorful, Marien Apotheke Wien! The local pharmacy in Vienna’s Mariahilf District is a cabinet of curiosities that is full of ideas and unique products from around the globe, a pharmacy that supports HIV-positive customers from all over Vienna and – with Austria’s only deaf chemist – is a contact point for the hard of hearing. In addition to this, the pharmacy has a design liaison with Walking Chair Design Studio, which has already led to many fruitful ideas and projects. For almost twenty years, the innovative chemist Karin Simonitsch has been working with the designers Fidel Peugeot and Karl Emilio Pircher – with the unrelenting objective of discovering new things, following new paths, and seeing if the impossible can be made possible. A (design) love story that couldn’t be any more wonderful.
Schmalzhofgasse 1
1060 Wien