Melanie Asböck / Ronja-Elina Kappl / Anna Niederleitner / Sabrina Wegerer
The team behind the project “Phobia – On Disgust, Anxiety & Fear examines, from an artistic perspective, anxiety disorders directed toward harmless objects that lead to intense physical reactions and vigorous avoidance. The focus was on atypical phobias that involve specific structures, materials, and objects. They were photographed, examined under an electron microscope, shaped into typographical objects, and worked into handmade alphabets. These alphabets were then employed as a basis for developing eight phobic writing systems. The final result was nine individual booklets, each concentrating on a certain phobia, which were gathered into an anthology.
Melanie Asböck / Ronja-Elina Kappl / Anna Niederleitner / Sabrina Wegerer