Niederösterreichische Bergbahnen
Skiing regions are becoming year-round destinations for holiday and excursion tourism, ski resorts are being transformed into experiential places for highly specific target groups. In order to encourage regional development, Niederösterreichische Bergbahnen, which is part of ecoplus, the Business Agency of Lower Austria, has been addressing this transformation process for several years and has been running the program ‘Bergerlebnis in Niederösterreich’, whose aim is to develop tourism on the southern edge of the province, since 2013.
The role of Niederösterreichische Bergbahnen is to construct, operate and professionalize the mountain railways and the infrastructure and superstructure in selected locations.
Niederösterreichische Bergbahnen
Niederösterreich-Ring 2 / Haus A
3100 St.Pölten
Niederösterreich-Ring 2 / Haus A
3100 St.Pölten