SISI - Spekulatives Institut für Soziale Interventionen
The Speculative Institute for Social Interventions searches for alternative approaches for the community via the combination of concrete and digital urban space. For this purpose, the interdisciplinary project team, Elena Anna Rieser, Jan Phillip Ley, Kerstin Reyer, Lina Kratzer, Stella Krausz, Theresa Muhl, and Tobias Saatze, stages a heterotopic vision of the city that creates space so that everyone who is interested can participate. All existing and potential members share the unquestionable desire to act and the belief in the transformative power of community. The institute headquarters will become a hub for everyone who wants to take part in the discussion concerning the city’s future as a place of community. An interactive archive is being created on the website which can leave a mark on the urban space after the festival’s end.
Alserbachstraße 4
1090 Vienna