“Our products are made to have their feet on the ground. And we’re very similar ourselves. For four generations, we have been processing timber into chairs, workbenches, and other things that we need in our lives. Being useful is what we like. Looking for beauty is what we do. It’s quite possible that this also has something to do with the place where we live and work. Scharnstein im Almtal is tranquil. Here, the Alm, a relatively cold river, flows by, right outside our workshop door. Here are the mountains and, above all, here are the people. The people who know how to do this: how to get something going. Regardless of whether it’s a chair, a party, or an entire family business. Over and over again. From the ground up.”
Mühldorf 4
4644 Scharnstein
Mühldorf 4
4644 Scharnstein