Verein Neigungsgruppe Design
The Neigungsgruppe Design was founded as a non-profit association in 2006 by Tulga Beyerle, Thomas Geisler and Lilli Hollein with the aim of making design in Austria visible, stimulating debate about design on a wide basis and showcase Austrian design internationally. The PASSIONSWEGE, a curated design course through Vienna, was the starting signal for a series of "Neigungsgruppe" events such like design conferences with high-profile participants commissioned by the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, an annual international design festival, which will be in its forth year in 2010.
As a pool of experts the Neigungsgruppe Design brings together knowledge related to specific fields in design research, consultancy, journalism and curating. As design communicators Beyerle, Geisler and Hollein attach special value to presenting design in a reflective but at the same time exciting way, on a high level but integratively, i.e. to as broad a public as possible.
Praterstraße 1
1020 Wien