Christoph Wimmer-Ruelland




Contextual Design Students

  • 20.9.2024, 11am–8pm
  • 21.9.2024, 11am–10pm
  • 22.–29.9.2024, 11am–8pm


3., Landstraßer Gürtel 51

Source of knowledge: fountains. Although their main historical purpose was to demonstrate power and luxury, decorative fountains in public spaces have long been closely associated with social dynamic and structures. Hence, the fountain is not only a reservoir for the precious resource of water, but also unites a number of contexts. These are the subject of an investigation for which students of the department of Contextual Design at the Design Academy Eindhoven got together outside the academic sphere: From the starting point of the significance of the essential element, they introduce ten concepts related to the subject of water into the design of a fountain, which, due to this collective process, becomes not just a structure but, much more, a symbol for a collective vision. The installation picks up on the approach of the master’s course in contextual design and investigates profound concepts with the help of narratives and experiments with materials.

With works by:
Natali Aguirre Montaña and Ise Weier
Georges Baida, Phoebe Ho, and Jonghoo Jeong
Alicia Borssén and Derrick Crichlow
Thibaud Boto, Pia Gräwe, and Lilly Noordhof
Christophe Boulmer and Léane Gorgette
Lucie Briand and Leto Keunen
Dalila Fermezza, Sarath Muralidharan, and Chiara Zarotti
Jun Fujisaku, Serim Kwack, and Christoph Wimmer-Ruelland
Sugyeong Lee and Yichun Liu
Mijali Posada and Kai Hsiang Wen

Project leader: Christoph Wimmer-Ruelland

Supported by the departments Communication and Contextual Design of the Design Academy Eindhoven.