Reviews: 2011
Fokusbezirk Leopoldstadt 2011
Fifteen years ago hardly anyone looking for an apartment or business premises in Vienna would have thought of the second district, Leopoldstadt. And this, although only the Danube Canal separates it from the inner city. This has radically changed. The second district has become “hip”, particularly on Karmelitermarkt and the busy thoroughfares of Taborstraße and Praterstraße; rents are going up, gastronomy and office densification increasing. Despite this, the district has remained free of inner-city gloss; it has charm and still harbours sufficient places off the beaten track for people to feel good in. Scattered about among a wide variety of local infrastructural facilities – there are three functioning markets! – we can find cultural initiatives, galleries, cosy cafés, small shops and craft workshops. For the second time the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK has chosen this geographical focus to spotlight interesting neighbourhoods across the canal, this year particularly the Volkertmarkt and Taborstraße. The objective is to discover or rediscover this lively and indeed loveable piece of Vienna via design.