Reviews: 2012
Passionswege 2012
Experimental design: the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK brings together ten in part Austrian, in part international designers with Viennese industrial producers and businesses with the aim of developing a project. And the process is open: they are invited to make use of workshops, intervene, experiment with handicraft techniques that reflect the history of the business enterprises, mostly long-established. The results – sometimes a product, sometimes an installation – are shown during the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK in the business locations and workshops and can be viewed in a tour from neighbourhood to neighbourhood (this year three stations are situated in the inner city, three in the 6th and 7th districts and four around Ottakringer Straße in the 16th and 17th districts). Design is showcased remotely from the business-as-usual routine and is spread about the city in a charmingly individual way. The installations are all on show from 28 September to 6 October at their respective opening times. On three evenings/afternoons a cocktail will be offered in the presence of the designers.