Reviews: 2020
The sun rises in Meidling. In a former solarium on one of the main routes into the city, the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is bringing together the rising stars of this year's edition of the festival: Alongside Austrian educational institutions New Design University St. Pölten (NDU) and TU Wien, we are particularly pleased to welcome the Academy of Fine Arts and Design from Bratislava in Slovakia and ZHdK – Zurich University of the Arts, from this year's Guest Country, Switzerland. The latter is visiting Vienna as part of the format Debut, in which the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK traditionally turns the spotlight on exceptional international educational institutions. In light of this, the Expositur Meidlinger Sonnendeck invites you to visit a shimmering cosmos where, alongside vitamin D, you can also get your full of a little vitamin B.
Festival Branch Solarium
12., Schönbrunner Straße 271