Reviews: 2020
Mind you: Meidling is no longer only highly sought-after among apartment seekers. Meidling is booming! But this is not the only reason why the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is using its Focus District label as a means of casting a spotlight on the district, which is also well-known for its phonetic characteristics (greetings from the Meidling L!). With its mixture of traditional structures and dynamically developing neighborhoods, of residential, transport and industrial usage and densely and less-densely built areas, the district appears almost predestined to be a design laboratory. Its history as a traditional working-class district is just as tangible as the influence of the industry that continues to be based here, the identity of former village centers and the presence of a range of communities. From the Wien River to the Schöpfwerk, from Hetzendorf to the Gürtel, from the Festival Headquarters in the Amtshaus Theresienbadgasse via the Festival Branch Solarium to Meidlinger Markt – the festival program of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK can be seen as an invitation to local and international visitors to (re)discover the district.