Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Young Balkan Designers 2015: Common Grounds Balkan Design Network 25.9.–4.10.2015 Embedded in the exhibition hall, the network’s show gathered together different varieties of design from the Balkan regions. Designers were invited to reflect on their origin and cultural values and to infuse these ideas into their designs. The individual works from the fields of fashion, furniture … more
Archive Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 2015 Stadtarbeit – City Work Guided Tour Where does the Brick come from? - Guided Tour of the Brick Museum Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 29.9.2015, 6pm–7.30pm What does the chicken on the brick mean? Why do we have to climb up steps from Gumpendorfer Straße onto Mariahilfer Straße? What is a Katzlmacher? What do the terms “sumpfen” and “schlemmen” stand for? Why are bricks yellow? Why don’t we have to worry any more about burning? Dr. Gerhard Zsutty is … more
Archive Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz Stadtarbeit – City Work Get together Where does the Brick come from? - Finissage Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 4.10.2015, 5pm–7pm “Roll up, roll up! Today’s the only day you can make bricks!” With multi-national treats and delicacies, and refreshments such as beer, juice and water.
Archive Workshop Woher kommen die Ziegel? - Workshop Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 29.9.2015, 3pm–7pm Ein Workshop für und mit Favoriten! Dort gibt es tonhaltigen Lehm! Aus dem kann man Ziegel machen. Und aus Ziegeln kann man unterschiedlichstes bauen. In diesem Workshop zeigen euch die drei Designer … Jürgen, Pia und Sebastian, wie man vom trockenen Lehmklumpen zu einem Ziegel-Design kommt.
Archive Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop Woher kommen die Ziegel? - Workshop Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 1.10.2015, 3pm–7pm Ein Workshop für und mit Favoriten! Dort gibt es tonhaltigen Lehm! Aus dem kann man Ziegel machen. Und aus Ziegeln kann man unterschiedlichstes bauen. In diesem Workshop zeigen euch die drei Designer … Jürgen, Pia und Sebastian, wie man vom trockenen Lehmklumpen zu einem Ziegel-Design kommt.
Archive Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop Woher kommen die Ziegel? - Workshop Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 2.10.2015, 3pm–7pm Ein Workshop für und mit Favoriten! Dort gibt es tonhaltigen Lehm! Aus dem kann man Ziegel machen. Und aus Ziegeln kann man unterschiedlichstes bauen. In diesem Workshop zeigen euch die drei Designer … Jürgen, Pia und Sebastian, wie man vom trockenen Lehmklumpen zu einem Ziegel-Design kommt.
Archive Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop Woher kommen die Ziegel? - Workshop Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 3.10.2015, 11am–3pm Ein Workshop für und mit Favoriten! Dort gibt es tonhaltigen Lehm! Aus dem kann man Ziegel machen. Und aus Ziegeln kann man unterschiedlichstes bauen. In diesem Workshop zeigen euch die drei Designer … Jürgen, Pia und Sebastian, wie man vom trockenen Lehmklumpen zu einem Ziegel-Design kommt.
Archive Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 2015 Stadtarbeit – City Work Guided Tour Where do the bricks come from? - Guided Tour Vienna and the Brick Bohemians Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 1.10.2015, 4pm–5pm Who were the Brick Bohemians? Where did they come from? What was life like for them in Vienna? What effect did they have on politics and urban development? And what does the firm of Wienerberger have to do with them? The exhibition Wien und die Ziegelböhm examines the period that gave the name of … more
Archive Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 2015 Stadtarbeit – City Work Get together WHERE DO THE BRICKS COME FROM? - Cocktail Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 26.9.2015, 5pm–7pm With multi-national treats and delicacies, also beer, juice and water. Please base your dress code on the environment, a factory complex, so no smart clothes!
Archive Stadtarbeit – City Work Work-in-Progress Where do the bricks come from? Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 25.9.–4.10.2015 “Are you frightened of Favoriten?” Questions like this adorned the 600 bricks produced as part of the project by festival visitors on the “industrial complex” of the GB*10. The project by Pia Plankensteiner, Sebastian Scholz and Jürgen Steineder showed in an extraordinarily charming way, how … more
Archive Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 2015 Stadtarbeit – City Work Talk Where do the bricks come from? Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 30.9.2015, 7pm–9pm Hardly anything has shaped the district of Favoriten as much as the brick industry – the people, the buildings, the infrastructure. It attracted workers from Bohemia and Moravia for jobs in brick production. The 10th district became the most densely populated in Vienna. What role did the old … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation VIENNESE RING IN THE LOBBY Goldschmiede NIKL 28.9.–4.10.2015 In an interplay between traditional handicraft and historical ambience, the goldsmith concern of NIKL set up its open workshop in the lobby of the Vienna Grand Hotel and demonstrated the handcrafted production of the Viennese Ring – a special collection by the family manufacturing firm, which was … more
Archive Marcell Nimführ / Kollektiv Fischka Laboratory Work-in-Progress Viennese (Hi)Stories in the Laboratory in the Festival Headquarters Analog Sonntag, Christophe Machet 25.9.–4.10.2015 Together with the French product designer Christophe Machet, the Analog Sonntag team explored the 10th district, penetrated deep into this unknown territory, which the population tends to look askance at. The ad hoc design group interviewed people from Favoriten, built a kiosk, and illustrated … more
Archive Marcell Nimführ / Kollektiv Fischka Laboratory Work-in-Progress Viennese (Hi)Stories in the Laboratory in the Festival Headquarters Ellmer Stefan und Johannes Lang, heri&salli (AT) 25.9.–4.10.2015 In freely connecting architecture and typography the architect duo heri&salli (Heribert Wolfmayr and Josef Saller) joined forces with Ellmer Stefan and Johannes Lang to questing for stories in the 10th district. On their first expedition to sound out their conceptual approach, what struck them most … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Wien Museum, AT FIRST SIGHT. Young Illustration from Vienna Wien Museum, studio VIE 29.9.–4.10.2015 As part of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK the Wien Museum devoted a brilliantly successful exhibition to examples of young Viennese illustration. The works of aspiring exponents compiled here testified not only to a great stylistic range but also to the multifaceted usage options of this form of applied … more
Archive Programme Partners Talk How to sit? wiener SITZgruppe 3.10.2015, 2pm The panel discussion of the wiener SITZgruppe turned out to be a successful encounter of craftspeople with public and designers from other fields. Besides keeping traditional materials in view, it tried most of all to look ahead as well. In focus were opportunities for the traditional craft of … more
Archive Ghislaine Nostitz Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop Welcome to The Living Room! - Workshop Exchange worlds. Re-discover. Re-connect. migrationlab, verein08, Alice Stori Liechtenstein 27.9.2015, 2.30pm–4pm An open space for exploration: This workshop’s participants experiment with the notions of space, home, belonging and acceptance. In the specially designed public living room the visitors turn into hosts. The workshop offers an opportunity to speak one’s mind, share migration stories and … more
Archive Ghislaine Nostitz Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop Welcome to The Living Room! - Workshop Exchange worlds. Re-discover. Re-connect. migrationlab, verein08, Alice Stori Liechtenstein 28.9.2015, 2.30pm An open space for exploration: This workshop’s participants experiment with the notions of space, home, belonging and acceptance. In the specially designed public living room the visitors turn into hosts. The workshop offers an opportunity to speak one’s mind, share migration stories and … more
Archive Ghislaine Nostitz Stadtarbeit – City Work Talk Welcome to The Living Room! - Talk Migration Sparks Creativity! migrationlab, verein08, Alice Stori Liechtenstein 2.10.2015, 8pm–11pm Four storytellers with multifaceted backgrounds will reveal their migration stories in a mix of various artistic forms: Photographs, songs, poems, stories, or video projections spark curiosity instead of fear of the unknown. The festival’s audience is invited to spend time at the public living room … more
Archive Ghislaine Nostitz Stadtarbeit – City Work Talk Welcome to The Living Room! - Talk I - Migration Sparks Creativity! migrationlab, verein08, Alice Stori Liechtenstein 1.10.2015, 8pm–11pm Four storytellers with multifaceted backgrounds will reveal their migration stories in a mix of various artistic forms: Photographs, songs, poems, stories, or video projections spark curiosity instead of fear of the unknown. The festival’s audience is invited to embark on a journey of discovery!
Archive Ghislaine Nostitz Stadtarbeit – City Work Children's Workshop Welcome to The Living Room! - Children's Workshop Exchange worlds. Re-discover. Re-connect. migrationlab, verein08, Alice Stori Liechtenstein 30.9.2015, 2.30pm–4pm Stories, the media, games or drawings give insight into one’s roots and at the same time also tell of migration. – Children are invited to bring along anything they feel is essential to their culture. Designed for kids, recommended to everybody! Workshop by Laura M. Pana.
Archive Ghislaine Nostitz Stadtarbeit – City Work Get together Welcome to The Living Room! - Finissage Migration Stories Box Reading migrationlab, verein08, Alice Stori Liechtenstein 4.10.2015, 2pm–4pm Im Setting des speziell gestalteten Living Room präsentiert das Team des Stadtarbeit-Projektes unterschiedliche Beiträge aus der Migration Stories Box. Besucherinnen und Besuchern bietet diese während des Festivals die Möglichkeit, Gedanken, Geschichten oder Zeichnungen zum Thema Migration zu … more
Archive Ghislaine Nostitz Stadtarbeit – City Work Get together Welcome to The Living Room! - Opening Alice Stori Liechtenstein, migrationlab, verein08 26.9.2015, 7pm Official opening party of the public living room: Migrants, travelers, refugees and host communities are cordially invited to get to know each other over a drink, sing and chat, and most importantly feel at home!
Archive Alice Stori Liechtenstein Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop Welcome to the Living Room! - Workshop Installation in the Making curated by Alice Stori Liechtenstein migrationlab, verein08, Alice Stori Liechtenstein 25.9.2015, 2pm–7pm Design is not a dogma. Within the practical, logical and aesthetic frame conditions offered by good design, there is room for the individual to personalize and adapt surroundings to his or her needs and tastes. A country’s law and values should allow for different cultures to cohabit a common … more
Archive Stadtarbeit – City Work Work-in-Progress Welcome to The Living Room! migrationlab, verein08, Alice Stori Liechtenstein 25.9.–4.10.2015 How social design can create alternatives in livening up social spaces with the help of specifically deployed impulses, was demonstrated in the Stadtarbeit project WELCOME TO THE LIVING ROOM!. As a place for telling stories and sharing stories, the temporary living room in the Brotfabrik Wien – a … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition WHAT’S LEFT? LEFT & RETURNED 25.9.–4.10.2015 This group exhibition broadened perspectives and succeeded in giving an inspired answer to the question as to what chances people might have when leaving their homeland. Its mood encouraged the glad hope that after their training, high-potential talents return to Austria! At any rate, all … more
Archive Klemens Schillinger PLATFORM Guided Tour WHAT’S LEFT? LEFT & RETURNED 4.10.2015, 3pm Breaking-up has both seduc- tive and ambivalent aspects. It opens up new possibilities, yet at the same time casts a shadow of melancholy onto the way ahead. Many young designers have had cause to leave educational institutes … at home and seek or further develop their acquired capa- bilities … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation WHY A WOMAN AND A MAN SHOULD WEAR GOOD SHOES NUE Wien 25.9.–4.10.2015 The open shoe manufactory of NEU Wien proved to be practice-oriented in every respect. Here, in the smart studio of shoemaker mastercraftswoman Nicole Üblacker not far from Karmelitermarkt, visitors to the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK could witness how contemporary leather sneakers are made using traditional … more
Archive Thomas Licht 2015 PLATFORM Workshop WHY A WOMAN AND A MAN SHOULD WEAR GOOD SHOES NUE Wien 25.–27.9.2015 NUE WIEN makes contemporary leather sneakers using traditional techniques of the shoemaking craft. In producing completely repairable shoes, NUE Wien is safeguarding and vitalizing the tradition of a dying handicraft and is setting standards in international slow fashion. The shoe factory … more
Archive Thomas Licht 2015 PLATFORM Workshop WHY A WOMAN AND A MAN SHOULD WEAR GOOD SHOES NUE Wien 2.–4.10.2015 NUE WIEN makes contemporary leather sneakers using traditional techniques of the shoemaking craft. In producing completely repairable shoes, NUE Wien is safeguarding and vitalizing the tradition of a dying handicraft and is setting standards in international slow fashion. The shoe factory … more
Archive Petra Rautenstrauch / Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Vienna Design Week Tours Gabriela Steiner-Scharfetter With four tours taking place several times, the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Education Program – as ever accompanied in her charming and super-informative manner by the city guide Gabriela Steiner-Scharfetter – set off through the most extensive Festival ever. It went to selected program items with various … more
Archive Marcell Nimführ / Kollektiv Fischka Special Work-in-Progress Vienna Design Cook VIENNA DESIGN OFFICE What happens if cooks are teamed up together with designers for an evening’s event? This question was posed by the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK team when confronted by a beautiful inn in Oberlaa, not in operation at the time. People cooked, decorated, made music, and staged a show, with Alexandra Palla as … more
Archive Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien PLATFORM Presentation Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, noHOME Pavillon, (DigDesFab14) Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien 25.9.–4.10.2015 The noHOME pavilion’s aim is to create an enclosed shell that reflects subjective feelings … of the missing private sphere and addresses various aspects of homelessness in an abstract way. Its visual design and structure examines and implies this lack as well as the lack of a protective function … more
Archive Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Tour 4: VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Passion for Design 25.9.2015, 10am–1pm Starting out from the Kunst Haus Wien, it shows a cross section of the local design landscape, including experimental design, social design and graphic and furniture design. Spurred on by the passion for design, the guided tour traces a geographical arc from the 3rd district, Landstraße, to the 7th … more
Archive Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Tour 4: VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Passion for Design 29.9.2015, 4pm–7pm Starting out from the Kunst Haus Wien, it shows a cross section of the local design landscape, including experimental design, social design and graphic and furniture design. Spurred on by the passion for design, the guided tour traces a geographical arc from the 3rd district, Landstraße, to the 7th … more
Archive Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Tour 4: VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Passion for Design 1.10.2015, 10am–1pm Starting out from the Kunst Haus Wien, it shows a cross section of the local design landscape, including experimental design, social design and graphic and furniture design. Spurred on by the passion for design, the guided tour traces a geographical arc from the 3rd district, Landstraße, to the 7th … more
Archive Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Tour 3: VIENNA DESIGN WEEK goes Wieden and Margareten 26.9.2015, 2pm–5pm Not only its immediate proximity to the Vienna University of Technology characterizes the unique flair of Wieden and Margareten – besides countless design stores, bars and restaurants, the two neighboring districts boast a concentration of unusual business ideas as well as numerous cultural … more
Archive Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Tour 3: VIENNA DESIGN WEEK goes Wieden and Margareten 2.10.2015, 2pm–5pm Not only its immediate proximity to the Vienna University of Technology characterizes the unique flair of Wieden and Margareten – besides countless design stores, bars and restaurants, the two neighboring districts boast a concentration of unusual business ideas as well as numerous cultural … more
Archive Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Tour 3: VIENNA DESIGN WEEK goes Wieden and Margareten 1.10.2015, 4pm–7pm Not only its immediate proximity to the Vienna University of Technology characterizes the unique flair of Wieden and Margareten – besides countless design stores, bars and restaurants, the two neighboring districts boast a concentration of unusual business ideas as well as numerous cultural … more
Archive Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Tour 2: VIENNA DESIGN WEEK goes Favoriten by bike 27.9.2015, 2pm–5pm For the second time the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is organizing a bike tour, this time exploring the 10th district, where the urban landscape was once shaped by brick production sites. One tour feature concentrates on this central theme about Favoriten, otherwise the tour takes bikers to many stations of … more
Archive Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Tour 2: VIENNA DESIGN WEEK goes Favoriten mit dem Fahrrad 3.10.2015, 2pm–5pm For the second time the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is organizing a bike tour, this time exploring the 10th district, where the urban landscape was once shaped by brick production sites. One tour feature concentrates on this central theme about Favoriten, otherwise the tour takes bikers to many stations of … more
Archive Kol Education Guided Tour Tour 2: VIENNA DESIGN WEEK goes Favoriten by bike 4.10.2015, 2pm–5pm For the second time the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is organizing a bike tour, this time exploring the 10th district, where the urban landscape was once shaped by brick production sites. One tour feature concentrates on this central theme about Favoriten, otherwise the tour takes bikers to many stations of … more
Archive Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Tour 1: VIENNA DESIGN WEEK goes Downtown 25.9.2015, 3pm–6pm This year, too, the inner city awaits visitors with a multitude of festival events during the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK – whether elegant shops, old-established handicraft industries, or museums and exhibition venues. A stroll through the meandering alleys of the 1st district gives visitors an in-depth … more
Archive Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Tour 1: VIENNA DESIGN WEEK goes Downtown 28.9.2015, 2pm–5pm This year, too, the inner city awaits visitors with a multitude of festival events during the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK – whether elegant shops, old-established handicraft industries, or museums and exhibition venues. A stroll through the meandering alleys of the 1st district gives visitors an in-depth … more
Archive Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Tour 1: VIENNA DESIGN WEEK goes Downtown 30.9.2015, 2pm–5pm This year, too, the inner city awaits visitors with a multitude of festival events during the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK – whether elegant shops, old-established handicraft industries, or museums and exhibition venues. A stroll through the meandering alleys of the 1st district gives visitors an in-depth … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Thomas Feichtner: DESIGN UNPLUGGED Bildrecht | Bildraum 01, Thomas Feichtner 25.9.–4.10.2015 In an opulent and densely hung show in their Bildraum 01, the Bildrecht gallery showed the work and design processes of the renowned Austrian designer Thomas Feichtner. In focus were the analog pencil sketches – a medium, in which the designer “draws out solutions” in the literal sense. In the … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation Theresienthal / Florian Holzer: there will be light Stamm, Florian Holzer 25.9.–3.10.2015 The Stamm Concept Store made the aesthetically superlative lamp series of the famous Bavarian crystal glass manufacturers Theresienthal shine forth with even more intensity. In conceiving it, designer Florian Holzer made an intensive study of the factory’s special grinding and polishing techniques.
Archive Marcell Nimführ / Kollektiv Fischka Guest Country Talk THE FUTURE OF THE PAST - DESIGN AS REINVENTING PROCESS Institut français d’Autriche 25.9.2015, 4.30pm–6pm How can design be used as an instrument of economic politics? – this issue was discussed in a richly fruitful international panel discussion including the international glass art center of Meisenthal, the Cité du Design Saint-Étienne and the Wiener Silber Manufactur. For example, for fifteen … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Swarovski Crystal Worlds Store Vienna Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Wien 25.9.–3.10.2015 Again this year, the Swarovski Crystal Worlds Store in Kärntner Straße in Vienna dazzled in its unique combination of brilliance and glamour. In his glittering window display installation Jean Paul Gaultier re-enacted probably the best-known film scene ever with Marilyn Monroe. The fashion … more
Archive Programme Partners Talk Superscape 2016 – Start JP architektur perspektiven 28.9.2015, 7.30pm The overture to the biennial architecture competition Superscape 2016 was struck up by a big-name discussion panel and the keynote delivered by the trend researcher Oona Horx-Strathern. The well-attended and multifaceted discourse event simultaneously marked the start of the submission phase. In a … more
Archive Christine Wurnig / Kollektiv Fischka Guest Country Exhibition SUPER DESIGN - THE GLASS STORY CONTINUES/ MEISENTHAL FRANCE Institut français d’Autriche 25.9.–4.10.2015 The second major exhibition of the Institut Français d’Autriche marched proudly under the banner of the decorative arts. The extensive and brilliantly colorful selection of the international glass art center of Meisenthal included exhibits that are exemplary for the collaboration of traditional … more
Archive Guy Rebmeister Guest Country Guided Tour SUPER DESIGN - THE GLASS STORY CONTINUES/ MEISENTHAL FRANCE Institut français d’Autriche 26.9.2015, 11am–12pm Taking a comprehensive selection of exhibits from French handicrafts, SUPER DESIGN – THE GLASS STORY CONTINUES/ MEISENTHAL FRANCE illustrates how traditional industries have reinvented them- selves in interaction with contemporary design. Designers are introducing added competences into the craft … more
Archive Guy Rebmeister Guest Country Guided Tour SUPER DESIGN - THE GLASS STORY CONTINUES/ MEISENTHAL FRANCE Institut français d’Autriche 27.9.2015, 11am–12pm Taking a comprehensive selection of exhibits from French handicrafts, SUPER DESIGN – THE GLASS STORY CONTINUES/ MEISENTHAL FRANCE illustrates how traditional industries have reinvented them- selves in interaction with contemporary design. Designers are introducing added competences into the craft … more
Archive Guy Rebmeister Guest Country Guided Tour SUPER DESIGN - THE GLASS STORY CONTINUES/ MEISENTHAL FRANCE Institut français d’Autriche 3.10.2015, 11am–12pm Taking a comprehensive selection of exhibits from French handicrafts, SUPER DESIGN – THE GLASS STORY CONTINUES/ MEISENTHAL FRANCE illustrates how traditional industries have reinvented them- selves in interaction with contemporary design. Designers are introducing added competences into the craft … more
Archive Guy Rebmeister Guest Country Guided Tour SUPER DESIGN - THE GLASS STORY CONTINUES/ MEISENTHAL FRANCE Institut français d’Autriche 4.10.2015, 11am–12pm Taking a comprehensive selection of exhibits from French handicrafts, SUPER DESIGN – THE GLASS STORY CONTINUES/ MEISENTHAL FRANCE illustrates how traditional industries have reinvented them- selves in interaction with contemporary design. Designers are introducing added competences into the craft … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Studio Es, Who are you? Studio Es 25.9.–4.10.2015 The Vienna design agency Studio Es conceived a large-scale presentation space to show the richly faceted creative identities of designers, photographers, visual and graphic artists from across the world. As a visual study, the project found individual answers to a simple question: “Who are you?” … more
Archive Kramar / Kollektiv Fischka Passionswege Presentation Stephanie Hornig (AT/UK) with Robert Roth/Wiener Geflecht Robert Roth/Wiener Geflecht, Stephanie Hornig (AT) 25.9.–4.10.2015 As it were en passant, the Passionswege projects always offer opportunities of discovering a new portion of Vienna – in this case the suburb of Oberlaa. Robert Roth has committed himself entirely to the expert restoration of special Viennese wickerwork, the traditional Wiener Geflecht, and in the … more
Archive Stephanie Hornig Passionswege Workshop Stephanie Hornig (AT/UK) with Robert Roth/Wiener Geflecht Robert Roth/Wiener Geflecht, Stephanie Hornig (AT) 3.10.2015, 1pm–3pm After years of practicing his actual profession, the architect Robert Roth decided to make his hobby his job. He was one of the few people who had mastered the craft of the “Wiener Geflecht”, the Viennese handicraft of cane weaving, which had become widespread in seating furniture ever since the … more
Archive Stephanie Hornig Passionswege Workshop Stephanie Hornig (AT/UK) with Robert Roth/Wiener Geflecht Robert Roth/Wiener Geflecht, Stephanie Hornig (AT) 2.10.2015, 4pm–6pm After years of practicing his actual profession, the architect Robert Roth decided to make his hobby his job. He was one of the few people who had mastered the craft of the “Wiener Geflecht”, the Viennese handicraft of cane weaving, which had become widespread in seating furniture ever since the … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Sottsass on paper Artcurial 25.9.–3.10.2015 Along with his objects and ceramics, drawings and watercolors by Ettore Sottsass are conquering the art market; some of the latter were put on show by the French auction house Artcurial in its new Austrian branch on Rudolfsplatz. The lovingly selected works included humorous illustrations and … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation SPECIAL SHOW, COLLECTIVE FURNITURE – Let’s create together! Neue Wiener Werkstätte, breadedEscalope 25.9.–3.10.2015 In the rooms of the furniture manufacturer Neue Wiener Werkstätte the design studio breadedEscalope presented the result, refreshing in its modular construction, of a collective development process that had lasted a whole year. Their personal report in a special show-cum-brunch event demonstrated … more
Archive NWW PLATFORM Get together SPECIAL SHOW, COLLECTIVE FURNITURE – Let’s create together! Neue Wiener Werkstätte, breadedEscalope 28.9.2015, 10am–12pm Collective Furniture is a public product-finding process whereby those of the public who are interested can follow and actively cooperate in the development of a piece of furniture. Following the same method, last year the design studio breaded Escalope and the furniture manufacturer Neue Wiener … more
Archive NWW PLATFORM Get together SPECIAL SHOW, COLLECTIVE FURNITURE – Let’s create together! Neue Wiener Werkstätte, breadedEscalope 1.10.2015, 10am–9pm Collective Furniture is a public product-finding process whereby those of the public who are interested can follow and actively cooperate in the development of a piece of furniture. Following the same method, last year the design studio breaded Escalope and the furniture manufacturer Neue Wiener … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation Sitting, Placing, Lighting, Cooking MÖBELMANUFAKTUR J.PEHACK 25.9.–3.10.2015 In the middle of the focus district of Favoriten, where Jacqueline Pehack otherwise collaborates with architects and designers and works on special productions, the cabinetmaker – although inspired by the collaborative approach – put on her first solo collection, with the pieces combining … more
Archive J. Pehack PLATFORM Workshop Sitting, Placing, Lighting, Cooking MÖBELMANUFAKTUR J.PEHACK 3.10.2015, 11am–5pm Jacqueline Pehack founded the furniture factory in summer 2015. The carpenter has already worked with architects and designers making special manufactures in her father’s model carpentry. This resulted for instance in regular collaborations with the designer duo chmara.rosinke. During the festival … more
Archive Jaqueline Pehack PLATFORM Work-in-Progress Sitting, Placing, Lighting, Cooking MÖBELMANUFAKTUR J.PEHACK 3.10.2015, 6pm Jacqueline Pehack founded the furniture factory in summer 2015. The carpenter has already worked with architects and designers making special manufactures in her father’s model carpentry. This resulted for instance in regular collaborations with the designer duo chmara.rosinke. During the festival … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation SNAIL FESTIVAL Wiener Schneckenmanufaktur 25.9.–4.10.2015 It wasn’t just because of its geographical location on the outskirts of Vienna that the Viennese snail factory guaranteed discoveries of a completely new land. For ten whole days Andreas Gugumuck’s farm in Rothneusiedl was transformed into a crowded playground for young and old. The program was … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation Robotic WoodCraft & Lucy.D: RANDOMIZED IDENTITIES Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien 25.9.–2.10.2015 Staged in a fascinating setting the interdisciplinary research team of Robotic Woodcraft in cooperation with the design studio Lucy.D presented a wood installation made with industrial robots. The project not only showed how design and architecture with the help of randomly changed computer data … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation RAW . PORCELAIN SERVICE feinedinge* 25.9.–3.10.2015 One-offs made of recycled porcelain casting compound were exhibited by the feinedinge* manufactory on Margaretenstraße. Plates, drinking beakers, vases, everything was there – in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere the shop and its annexed studio in the 4th district displayed the product whose … more
Archive Maximilian Gauss PLATFORM Presentation Rado, And the Rado Star Prize Austria 2015 winner is … Rado 1.10.2015, 7pm Fleeting and irreversible, time slips away like sand through your fingers – as expertly shown by the winner of this year’s Rado Star Prize Austria, Louisa Koeber. From January through August of this year, talented designers exhibited their works in the window of the Rado boutique in Vienna. The … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation Presenting PMQ InvestHK, PMQ 25.9.–4.10.2015 Specially flying in from Hong Kong, Doris Fong and William To treated VIENNA DESIGN WEEK visitors to an exclusive view of the successful strategies of the great Asian creative city on the Pearl River Delta. They gave an enthusiastic lecture demonstrating the potential and transformation of building … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition POLISH DESIGN STORIES 366 Concept 25.9.–4.10.2015 The enterprise 366 Concept organized a wide-ranging presentation in the exhibition hall of the Brotfabrik Wien, including a selection of Polish furniture design and simultaneously the country’s design history. Launching out from Józef Chierowski’s seating furniture 366 and designs from the 1950s … more
Archive Joanna Szewczuk Talks Talk POLISH DESIGN STORIES 366 Concept 26.9.2015, 1pm–3.30pm Writing design history is often limited to placing designer objects on a timeline. But what makes an icon? In search for an answer, 366 Concept analyzed the most notable Polish furniture designs from two most dynamic periods: the 1950s and 60s and the first two decades of the 21st Century. The … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition PLUG TO NATURE // DELTACRAFT Rumänisches Kulturinstitut Wien 25.9.–4.10.2015 The Romanian Cultural Institute in the 4th district of Vienna invited people to roam through its rooms and facilities. With its exhibition PLUG TO NATURE // DELTACRAFT it created a bridge connecting traditional handicrafts from the Danube Delta with contemporary Romanian design. Two very different … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition PHOTOGRAPhY PLAYGROUND: NIGHT&DAY DISCOVERED THROUGH THE EYE OF THE CAMERA OLYMPUS 25.9.–4.10.2015 With its interactive installation, the walk-in OLYMPUS PHOTOGRAPHY PLAY- GROUND, the newly won general partner of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK cast its spell on the public for ten whole days. Light and shade scenarios, bands radiant in resplendent color, unique forest landscapes enabled people to … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Perrier-Jouët, mischer‘traxler: ephemerā Perrier-Jouët, mischer'traxler studio 25.9.–4.10.2015 A particular highlight of French-Austrian friendship was manifested in the cooperation between the French maison de champagne Perrier-Jouët and the Austrian design duo mischer’traxler. While the floral installation EPHEMERĀ challenged VIENNA DESIGN WEEK visitors yet again to a sophisticated game … more
Archive Gregor Buchhaus / Kollektiv Fischka PLATFORM Presentation ORIGINAL AND RE-EDITION: KIESLER’S MERGENTIME CHAIR Wittmann Möbelwerkstätten GmbH 25.9.–3.10.2015 In their special show, the Wittmann furniture workshops and the Kiesler Foundation demonstrated how great awareness can help in a consistent continuation of the history of the Austrian avant-garde. The show included an overview of furniture designs by the émigré (to the USA) architect and designer … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation Open Showroom. Production & Stage. Vitra 25.9.–3.10.2015 The absolute highlight of the special show in the Vitra showroom was the inspiring talk by Hella Jongerius. At the opening, the Dutch design icon talked about ideas, concepts and work methods. In addition, the open showroom on Schottenring displayed a number of her products. Overall, they stand as … more
Archive VIENNA DESIGN OFFICE Exhibition OPEN HOUSE IN DER FESTIVALZENTRALE 26.9.2015, 5pm–9pm Cocktails in Anwesenheit der Designschaffenden der Beiträge in der Festivalzentrale!
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Objet Détourné SWDZ – So Weit, die Zukunft 25.9.–3.10.2015 Potential cultural convergences between Austria and France were investigated in the stimulating show OBJET DÉTOURNÉ, which took place simultaneously in mirrored form in Vienna and Paris. Nine designers entered into an artistic exchange by selecting an everyday object typical of their country. A … more
Archive Eszter Bircsak Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop New Local - Workshop Jam: Fruits and spices from around the world. REPLYtoALL und Microgiants 27.9.2015, 2pm–5pm Almost every nation has its own kind of jam, marmalade or chutney. This workshop aims at preparing a variety of such delicacies and giving insight into the background information and memories they may come with. The stories will be visualized during the workshop so that a later visitor can relate … more
Archive Zoltan Csik-Kovacs Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop New Local - Workshop Cooking REPLYtoALL und Microgiants 30.9.2015, 5pm–7pm What defines the New Local cuisine? In this workshop, participants will find out by preparing new specialties and sharing the recipes they feel influenced by in Vienna. Together with the workshop’s hosts, they will reflect upon the cuisine’s role in shaping tradition, nation and citizenship.
Archive Eszter Bircsak Stadtarbeit – City Work Get together New Local - Finissage Brunch: Bring your food, bring your culture! REPLYtoALL und Microgiants 4.10.2015, 11am–2pm At the New Local brunch, visitors are invited to bring homemade food and drinks to share. The closing brunch serves as a lively platform to encourage interaction with other participants in order to get to know more about each other. The design teams will visualize and keep track of the … more
Archive Eszter Bircsak Stadtarbeit – City Work Get together New Local - Cocktails mit DataLovers REPLYtoALL und Microgiants 26.9.2015, 5.30pm The New Local participants will prepare special cocktails with ingredients and spices corresponding to data on immigration. Cocktails are served on a first come basis.
Archive Stadtarbeit – City Work Work-in-Progress New Local REPLYtoALL und Microgiants 25.9.–4.10.2015 Cooking together means communicating together. In different workshops the Stadtarbeit project NEW LOCAL gazed deep into the cooking (and melting!) pots of various cultures. In the Caritas Community Cooking kitchen, a room of living communication, participants could discover not only gastronomic but … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation SUSTAINABILITY IN DESIGN:CONTEXT design:mikimartinek 28.9.–1.10.2015 design:mikimartinek launched out on a veritable communication tour: accompanied by objects from the worlds of textile and furniture design, the show was staged on four evenings in different locations across Vienna. The knitting workshop of Veronika Persché had an exhibition space here, also the … more
Archive PLATFORM Presentation SUSTAINABILITY IN DESIGN:CONTEXT design.mikimartinek 29.9.–1.10.2015 In her booklet Creativity for Survival, the designer Miki Martinek illustrates what she understands by sustainability in a succinct, understandable and aesthetic way, how as VIENNA DESIGN WEEK part- ner she has lived the change as an example since 2010, and what her ingredients are for this … more
Archive PLATFORM Presentation SUSTAINABILITY IN DESIGN:CONTEXT design.mikimartinek 1.10.2015, 5pm In her booklet Creativity for Survival, the designer Miki Martinek illustrates what she understands by sustainability in a succinct, understandable and aesthetic way, how as VIENNA DESIGN WEEK part- ner she has lived the change as an example since 2010, and what her ingredients are for this … more
Archive PLATFORM Presentation SUSTAINABILITY IN DESIGN:CONTEXT design.mikimartinek 3.10.2015, 5pm In her booklet Creativity for Survival, the designer Miki Martinek illustrates what she understands by sustainability in a succinct, understandable and aesthetic way, how as VIENNA DESIGN WEEK part- ner she has lived the change as an example since 2010, and what her ingredients are for this … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition MISCHER’TRAXLER: REAL- LIMITED – A SPACE/ROOM. AN ENDANGERED SPECIES. Kunst Haus Wien, mischer'traxler studio 25.9.–4.10.2015 The show presented by the design team mischer’traxler in the Garage of the Kunst Haus Wien cast an aesthetic light on a precarious theme. By means of an extraordinarily beautiful light object, the duo opened up a public discourse on the loss of biodiversity in general and the extinction of a … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Meșteshukar ButiQ, Roma Artisans: Craft Reloaded Meșteshukar ButiQ 25.9.–4.10.2015 Meșteshukar ButiQ set up a pop-up store and offered the opportunity for on-site purchase of traditional, handcrafted utility objects – from wooden spoon and copper containers to clothing. In this endeavor to revive centuries-old Roma traditions and make them available to a broad-based public … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation MARTIN MOSTBÖCK: AID ArchitectureInteriorsDesign MAK Design Shop 25.9.–4.10.2015 In his new book the indefatigable Martin Mostböck outlines how he looks for customized solutions for houses, interiors and everyday objects. The designer and architect focuses on planning approaches as well as architectural points of view. Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, director of the MAK, and Martin … more
Archive Udo Titz PLATFORM Presentation MARTIN MOSTBÖCK: AID ArchitectureInteriorsDesign MAK Design Shop 29.9.2015, 6pm The architect and designer Martin Mostböck designs houses, interiors and everyday objects. Mostböck eschews superficial styling; his designs get to the basics. In doing so, he seeks and finds what is authentic. For him, architecture means a collective journey that makes everyone happy at the end … more
Archive Kramar / Kollektiv Fischka Passionswege Presentation Marlene Wolfmair (AT) with 2M Walter and Michael Müllner 2M Walter und Michael Müllner, Marlene Wolfmair (AT) 25.9.–2.10.2015 When formula becomes form ... Marlene Wolfmair’s algorithmic arrangement of simple, analog elements showed that the combination of design and mathematical formulas can reveal more aspects than solely interesting digital results. Staged with light in the special workshop of the family concern 2M … more
Archive Kramar / Kollektiv Fischka Passionswege Presentation Marlène Huissoud (FR/UK) with WIENER ESSIG BRAUEREI Gegenbauer WIENER ESSIG BRAUEREI Gegenbauer, Marlène Huissoud (FR) 25.9.–4.10.2015 In deliberately overstepping rigid boundaries between the disciplines, every year the Passionswege format creates new scope for ideas and opportunities for innovative applications and design. In the WIENER ESSIG BRAUEREI Gegenbauer, the French-born Marlène Huissoud met a partner that like herself … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Marbleabilia Lucia Massari 25.–26.9.2015 New paths in the reuse of offcuts from marble processing were trodden by Lucia Massari with her project MARBLEABILIA. The furnishings were unique in constellation and color combination and produced in partnership with the marble processing firm of Mandruzzato Marmi & Graniti. They illustrated how … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation MAK/VIENNA BIENNALE 2015, DESIGN NITE: THE PERMANENTLY RESIDUE-LESS CHANGE HOSTED BY FREITAG PRODUCED BY HEUER/KARLSGARTEN Wirtschaftsagentur Wien 25.9.–4.10.2015 Its exciting presentation ensured the MAK DESIGN NITE yet again of hitting the hot spot of the evening. In a party atmosphere, installations and culinary concepts experimented with the theme of permanently residue-less change. In its performance-presentation, the designers from FREITAG developed a … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition MAK DESIGN SALON #04: DUNNE & RABY. The School of Constructed Realities 25.9.–3.10.2015 Inspired by the works of the London duo Dunne & Raby, the show in the MAK branch of the Geymüllerschlössl investigated the potentials and perspectives of design education in the twenty-first century. Three international personalities who wield great influence on design education in Europe joined in … more
Archive Dunne & Raby PLATFORM Exhibition MAK DESIGN SALON #04: DUNNE & RABY. The School of Constructed Realities 4.10.2015, 11am The London design duo Dunne & Raby examine the potentials of speculative design … from the aspect of challenges … and perspectives in the twenty- … first century. The works of the studio act as illustrative examples of a fictive design school set up for the first time in the Geymüllerschlössel.
Archive Dunne & Raby PLATFORM Guided Tour MAK DESIGN SALON #04: DUNNE & RABY. The School of Constructed Realities 4.10.2015, 3pm–4.30pm The London design duo Dunne & Raby examine the potentials of speculative design … from the aspect of challenges … and perspectives in the twenty- … first century. The works of the studio act as illustrative examples of a fictive design school set up for the first time in the Geymüllerschlössel.
Archive Programme Partners Presentation M1-Remix Award – Retro meets Future Neudoerfler Office Systems 25.9.–2.10.2015 The Austrian office furniture manufacturer Neudoerfler sought the most courageous and yet commercial re-interpretation of its management furniture M1 by its first-time initiation of the M1-Remix Award. An international jury presided over by the design team Kim+Heep chose the worthily winning design … more
Archive Neudoerfler Office Systems, M1-Remix Award – Retro meets Future, Neudoerfler Office Systems PLATFORM Presentation M1-Remix Award – Retro meets Future Neudoerfler Office Systems 30.9.2015, 7pm “Why invent something new when the old has so much charm?” This is the motto of the curator team Kim+Heep for the M1-Remix Award by Neudoerfler. The competition, organized for the first time, seeks the most interesting, most courageous and commercially promising re-interpretation of the legendary … more
Archive Gregor Buchhaus / Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Learning Journey Co-Making and Co-Producing Wirtschaftsagentur Wien 29.9.2015, 9am–5pm With the agenda of organizing its education program as platform for reciprocal exchange and active participation, the LEARNING JOURNEY of the Vienna Business Agency, Creative Center departure led the way to various, locally producing creative studios. In the Werksalon (Vienna’s first co-making … more
Archive Kramar / Kollektiv Fischka Passionswege Presentation Laureline Galliot (FR) with Backhausen Backhausen, Laureline Galliot 25.9.–2.10.2015 When an iPad drawing meets 165 years of experience in textile manufacture, the outcome can only be amazing. In Otto Wagner’s iconic cashiers’ hall, the French designer Laureline Galliot presented her richly colorful painted and three-dimensional works, the fruit of her engagement with the cultural … more
Archive Marcell Nimführ / Kollektiv Fischka Laboratory Talk Lab Talks Analog Sonntag, Christophe Machet, Ellmer Stefan und Johannes Lang, heri&salli (AT) The Lab Talks gave the invited designers the opportunity to present themselves and their work in an easy-going and relaxed atmosphere. It offered the public the chance not only to gain insights into the creative work of these personalities but also to give vent to questions – and of course to have … more
Archive Petra Rautenstrauch / Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour KITCHENS: HOT AND MINIMAL ARCH ON TOUR 2.10.2015, 1.30pm–3pm Organized for the first time this year was an extensive, multi-stopping bus tour with a focus on architecture. Charmingly hosted by Marion Kuzmany, the architect and expert for architectural trips, the route through the city explored the latest developments in kitchen design. After viewing Finn … more
Archive Petra Rautenstrauch / Kollektiv Fischka Talks Talk COME AND PLAY! aws – austria wirtschaftsservice 25.9.2015, 5pm–6.30pm In its role as communicator and educator, the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK constantly strives to open the design scene to new horizons and create awareness for hitherto somewhat neglected partial scenes. The talk of the austria wirtschaftsservice dealt with the increasing significance of game design.
Archive Kramar / Kollektiv Fischka Passionswege Presentation Kneip (NO) with PEGA-cut Schneidetechnik PEGA-cut Schneidetechnik, Kneip 25.9.–2.10.2015 As an early form of museum presentation, the art and curiosity cabinets – Wunderkammer – of the Late Renaissance and Baroque gathered together a conglomeration of different objects of diverse provenance: a concept the Norwegian design studio Kneip now adopted for their Passionswege project and … more
Archive Kramar / Kollektiv Fischka Passionswege Presentation Klemens Schillinger (AT) with A.E. Köchert Juweliere A.E.Köchert Juweliere, Klemens Schillinger 25.9.–3.10.2015 Jewelry is an expression of our culture, but from time immemorial has also been a form of insurance coverage and security asset. The long-established firm of A.E. Köchert Juweliere has been a frequently returning Passion- swege partner with a particularly refreshing attitude; this year, it was … more
Archive Archiv Wienerberger Education Guided Tour No Bricks Any More GB*10 1.10.2015, 5.30pm–8pm Where did the bricks come from – what does it look like there now? What has become of the former mining and production site? The Wienerberger brick industry brought form, work, and population to the district, leaving an architectural as well as an economic and political heritage behind it. The … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Josef Frank: Design on the Path to Modernism Hofmobiliendepot • Möbel Museum Wien 25.9.–4.10.2015 With the augmentation of its Josef Frank Collection the Hofmobiliendepot focused on a great name in the history of Austrian design and architecture. The historical retrospective compiled designs of the interiors that Frank conceived in 1932 for his colleague Bettina Kerner and her husband Isidore … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition JOHN PAWSON: PERSPECTIVES in the Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Wien 25.9.–4.10.2015 With an oversized crystal, which he saw more as tool than design object, the British star architect John Pawson inspired a fresh look at things we know all too well and traditionally venerate. Light refractions, kaleidoscopic fragments, undreamed of perspectives – all this was promised by the lens … more
Archive bueronardin Special Work-in-Progress Johannes Lingenhel (macht Feines), Ike Ikrath (Architekt und Hotelier), Megumi Ito (Light Fixtures & Interior), VIENNA DESIGN COOK Alexandra Palla 2.10.2015, 7pm This year the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is serving up a special version of their gourmet program: VIENNA DESIGN COOK. The food and media expert Alexandra Palla requests chefs and designers to host a dinner or lunch. How task distribution is actually organized remains open. The connections between the … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Ján Šicko: Memory Slowakisches Institut in Wien 25.9.–2.10.2015 In the work MEMORY by Ján Šicko, the Slovakian Institute showed an interactive light installation that motivated experimentation. By random placement of stones on a wooden panel it was possible to specifically control and influence the projection of different posters onto a screen. Superimpositions … more
Archive InvestHK PLATFORM Talk InvestHK, Presenting PMQ InvestHK, PMQ 2.10.2015, 3pm The metropolis at the heart of the Pearl River Delta established itself as an Asian art capital with the opening of Art Basel Hong Kong in 2013. Besides the growing interest in modern design, there is a burgeoning of activity providing platforms for marketing local and international brands. Doris … more
Archive Kramar / Kollektiv Fischka Special Exhibition INTERIO: NEW AUSTRIAN DESIGN. VIENNA DESIGN OFFICE, Interio 25.9.–4.10.2015 Against the backdrop of the Vienna skyline the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK presented the result of a successful collaboration in 2015. The airy, breathtaking living room environment gathered together examples from the latest works of Austrian furniture design. The edition by Interio Austria – realized by … more
Archive Vitra PLATFORM Talk Production & Stage. Vitra 25.9.2015, 5pm Since its opening in 2014 the Vitra Showroom has developed into a central hotspot for office and living design. Changing constantly, it is a stage for products and productions: it invites people to dialog, to come and see and be amazed, on 750 square meters of space. In a special exhibition during … more
Archive Hafner/Mitterer/Weiss Guest Country Guided Tour Institut Français d’Autriche, 20 ICONES OF FRECH DESIGN Institut français d’Autriche 26.9.2015, 11am–12pm The exhibition’s goal and intention is to provide a cartographical overview of almost 100 years of French design: on show are powerfully expressive products that have had a formative influence on entire generations and in particular brought forth the “Starck children” and subsequently the French … more
Archive Weaving a Babis with Shukri Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop Infrequently Asked Questions - workshop 'Weaving a Babis with Shukri' Ebru Kurbak (AT/TR) 1.10.2015, 5pm–7pm In this workshop, Shukri will teach us how to make a Babis – a hand-held fan made of palm leaves through Somali finger weaving. What one considers a valuable quality, skill, interest and knowledge is socially constructed and depends on where the evaluation takes place. INFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS … more
Archive Needlework with Sabira, Lida and Sahar Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop Infrequently Asked Questions - workshop 'Needlework with Sabira, Lida and Sahar' Ebru Kurbak (AT/TR) 3.10.2015, 2pm–4pm In this workshop, Sabira, Lida and Sahar will teach us how to make three different types of traditional Afghani needlework. What one considers a valuable quality, skill, interest and knowledge is socially constructed and depends on where the evaluation takes place. INFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS … more
Archive Making Kites with Zakir Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop Infrequently Asked Questions - workshop 'Making Kites with Zakir' Ebru Kurbak (AT/TR) 26.9.2015, 12pm–3pm In this workshop, Zakir will show us how to make and fly a colorful Afghan kite. The workshop is open for everyone including young participants aged 10 years and up. What one considers a valuable quality, skill, interest and knowledge is socially constructed and depends on where the evaluation … more
Archive Ebru Kurbak Workshop Infrequently Asked Questions - workshop 'How to cook Ashak' Ebru Kurbak (AT/TR) 25.9.2015, 4pm–6pm In this workshop, Zarifa will teach us how to cook Ashak -- delicious Afghani dumplings filled with fresh scallions, topped with yoghurt and mint. What one considers a valuable quality, skill, interest and knowledge is socially constructed and depends on where the evaluation takes place.
Archive Henna Design with Sahra Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop Infrequently Asked Questions - workshop 'Henna Design with Sahra' Ebru Kurbak (AT/TR) 30.9.2015, 5pm–7pm In this workshop, Sahra will teach us how to apply Henna on the body with intricate patterns, along with other Somali beauty tips like skincare with Huruud, Qasil and more… … What one considers a valuable quality, skill, interest and knowledge is socially constructed and depends on where the … more
Archive Ebru Kurbak Stadtarbeit – City Work Workshop Infrequently asked questions - workshop 'Building an Aqal with Amina' Ebru Kurbak (AT/TR) 28.9.2015, 5pm–7pm In this workshop, Amina will teach us how to build an Aqal -- a nomadic hut made of tree twigs the Somali way. What one considers a valuable quality, skill, interest and knowledge is socially constructed and depends on where the evaluation takes place. INFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS presents a … more
Archive Stadtarbeit – City Work Work-in-Progress Infrequently Asked Questions Ebru Kurbak (AT/TR) 25.9.–3.10.2015 This project addressed as its theme the fact that the knowledge that is taken for granted somewhere else in the world has become obsolete through immigration to Austria. Ebru Kurbak dealt sensitively with the topic alongside participants of the Caritas Lernsprung program and developed the concept … more
Archive Christine Wurnig / Kollektiv Fischka Talks Talk Handicrafts and Design – Tradition revived aws – austria wirtschaftsservice 2.10.2015, 6.30pm–8pm Traditional handicrafts are enjoying a great renaissance at present. This also gestates the seed of potential for innovations. How can a master carpenter cooperate with architects? How can a family business profit from the expertise of a product designer? And how can the craftsmanship of the Roma … more
Archive bueronardin Special Work-in-Progress Guerilla Bakery (die kochenden Schwestern), dottings (Designstudio), VIENNA DESIGN COOK Alexandra Palla 3.10.2015, 7pm This year the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is serving up a special version of their gourmet program: VIENNA DESIGN COOK. The food and media expert Alexandra Palla requests chefs and designers to host a dinner or lunch. How task distribution is actually organized remains open. The connections between the … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition SHOPPING SPOTTING together in the Habitat Mall WIEN MITTE – The Mall, Julia Landsiedl + | Strategic Design & Storytelling 25.9.–4.10.2015 The participants went on safari through a unique habitat in a charmingly conceived discovery tour through the shopping center WIEN MITTE – The Mall. Choosing strategic vantage points, designer Julia Landsiedl enabled the people to observe a shopping species that because of the virtual competition … more
Archive Wien Mitte/ Julia Landsiedl PLATFORM Guided Tour SHOPPING SPOTTING together in the Habitat Mall WIEN MITTE – The Mall, Julia Landsiedl + | Strategic Design & Storytelling 28.–29.9.2015 In order to keep up with competition from virtual media, in future the traditional shopping mall will have to offer an added social value. For the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2015 the installation SHOPPING … SPOTTING has been set up in the largest and most up-to-date shopping center in the inner city of … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Ganz Neue Galerie: Salon chmara.rosinke, breadedEscalope, Patrick Rampelotto 25.9.–4.10.2015 In a picturesque rear courtyard in the inner city the Ganz Neue Galerie dedicated their room for experimental design to contemporary design from Europe. For the most part, this involved collections of the Ganz Neue Gruppe – breadedEscalope, chmara.rosinke and Patrick Rampelotto and so forth. During … more
Archive Marcell Nimführ / Kollektiv Fischka Future Urban Mobility Talk FUTURE URBAN MOBILITY LAB [r+d] post-carbon Vienna 3.10.2015, 4pm–9pm Scientists got together in a future-oriented series of talks about the challenges and effects of post-fossil fuel locomotion. The curators (Smarter Than Car) provided the introduction, followed by a talk by Adam Pawloff (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna). He explained … more
Archive Future Urban Mobility Discussion FUTURE URBAN MOBILITY LAB [r+d] post-carbon Vienna 3.6.2017, 7.30pm–9pm The FUTURE URBAN MOBILITY LAB is a day of input and discussion with designers, researchers, professionals, and visitors about the future of urban mobility. Designers will lead a guided tour of the FUTURAMA REDUX exhibition, expert researchers will give talks on why the transition to post-carbon … more
Archive Future Urban Mobility Exhibition FUTURAMA REDUX [r+d] post-carbon Vienna 25.9.–4.10.2015 A visionary look into the future was offered by the exhibition FUTURAMA REDUX in the Festival Headquarters of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. Tying in with Norman Bel Geddes’s iconic show at the New York World Fair of 1939, which endeavored to anticipate a model of the city in 20 years, it showed a … more
Archive Christine Wurnig / Kollektiv Fischka Education Guided Tour Tours for School Classes design°mobil Zahlreiche Touren mit Schulklassen aus unterschiedlichen Stufen unternahmen die Designvermittlungsexpertinnen und -experten vom design°mobil. Informationsblätter für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer erleichterten es diesen außerdem, selbst schülergerechte Programme für einen Festivalbesuch zusammenzustellen.
Archive Maren Jeleff Stadtarbeit – City Work Guided Tour Fotolabor Kreta Kreta Kollektiv 3.10.2015, 2pm–4pm Curated tour through the “Tschocherl” landscape of Favoriten.
Archive Christian Wind Stadtarbeit – City Work Guided Tour Fotolabor Kreta - Pre-lunch Drinks Kreta Kollektiv 27.9.2015, 11am–2pm With the Schule des Wiener Liedes (“School of Viennese Song”) in the Gasthaus Stefan inn.
Archive Christian Wind Stadtarbeit – City Work Guided Tour Fotolabor Kreta - Beisltour Kreta Kollektiv 1.10.2015, 8pm–10pm Curated tour through the “Tschocherl” landscape of Favoriten.
Archive Stadtarbeit – City Work Work-in-Progress Fotolabor Kreta Kreta Kollektiv 25.9.–4.10.2015 With colorful patchworks made of photos of the district the FOTOLABOR KRETA placed a conspicuous spotlight on the district of Favoriten in its window display. Starting out from its location on Reumannplatz, the experimental photographic laboratory invited visitors to a visual exploration of the … more
Archive Kramar / Kollektiv Fischka Talks Talk Panel Discussion Social Design and Presentation of the Erste Bank MehrWert Design Award Erste Bank 2.10.2015, 6.30pm–8pm How social design can boost social transformation processes was demonstrated once again by the projects in the Stadtarbeit format. At the start of the round of talks this year, the Erste Bank Mehr Wert Design Award was presented for the first time for one of the five program items. With her lively … more
Archive bueronardin Special Work-in-Progress Eva Fischer (Foodtastic) und Eva Fischer (sound:frame), VIENNA DESIGN COOK Alexandra Palla 30.9.2015, 7pm This year the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is serving up a special version of their gourmet program: VIENNA DESIGN COOK. The food and media expert Alexandra Palla requests chefs and designers to host a dinner or lunch. How task distribution is actually organized remains open. The connections between the … more
Archive bueronardin Special Work-in-Progress Eschi Fiege (lovekitchen), Harriet Riddell (InStichYou), VIENNA DESIGN COOK Alexandra Palla 4.10.2015, 1pm–6pm This year the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is serving up a special version of their gourmet program: VIENNA DESIGN COOK. The food and media expert Alexandra Palla requests chefs and designers to host a dinner or lunch. How task distribution is actually organized remains open. The connections between the … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation First presentation: New Austrian Design. Interio, Lilli Hollein 25.9.–3.10.2015 The result of a cooperative venture stamped with the will to succeed: Janeth Kath of Interio presented twelve new interpretations of traditional pieces of Austrian furniture by representatives of the up-and-coming Austrian design scene. The VIENNA DESIGN OFFICE led by Lilli Hollein curated and … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition UN-FOLDING. ADAPTABLE FURNITURE FOR GEA New Design University (NDU) St. Pölten 25.9.–4.10.2015 The NDU St Pölten and its consistent commitment regularly creates scope for ambitious design, which was also true of this contribution in the Festival Headquarters in the Brotfabrik Wien. Young talents from the university presented works produced in cooperation with the furniture and shoe … more
Archive Christine Wurnig / Kollektiv Fischka Talks Talk A Location for Design aws – austria wirtschaftsservice 2.10.2015, 5pm–6.30pm The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is, to quote Norbert Kettner, “cool without pressure”. In the stunning ambience of the extravagant Skylofts experts like the director of WienTourismus were given an overview of the potential that design is making available to industrial locations. The big city can profit from … more
Archive Ion Neculai Stadtarbeit – City Work Presentation EaRacingRace by UrbanNomadMixes migrationlab, verein08, Alice Stori Liechtenstein 3.10.2015, 2.30pm–4pm Dressed up or masked performance artists recite English short poems of a series by Camilo C. Antonio, The Many Phases & Sights of Race. Their disguises match their alter egos or those of anti-heroes. As though impelled or entranced by musicians and videographers, the artists weave through the … more
Archive NDU PLATFORM Talk Do Touch. Materials of the future. New Design University (NDU) St. Pölten 25.9.2015, 3.30pm–4.30pm Metal as elastic as a rubber band. Glass, thin as a sheet of paper. Electrically conducting textiles, injection-molded paper, paneling with meadow fragrance – all this and much more is on display in the exhibition by Chris Lefteri, guru of material design and guest professor at the NDU: materials … more
Archive NDU PLATFORM Workshop Do Touch. Materials of the future. New Design University (NDU) St. Pölten 26.9.2015, 11am Metal as elastic as a rubber band. Glass, thin as a sheet of paper. Electrically conducting textiles, injection-molded paper, paneling with meadow fragrance – all this and much more is on display in the exhibition by Chris Lefteri, guru of material design and guest professor at the NDU: materials … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition A GROWING COLLECTION IS GROWING EVEN MORE Hofmobiliendepot • Möbel Museum Wien 25.9.–4.10.2015 The collection of the Imperial Furniture Collection initiated in 2013 is committed to trends, tendencies and innovations in Austrian furniture design. New acquisitions by Pudelskern, EOOS, Vandasye, Ursula Klingan, Delugan Meissl Architects, Luigi Blau and Nin Prantner have now augmented the show … more
Archive Gregor Buchhaus / Kollektiv Fischka Talks Talk The Small and the Large Solutions Dominique Perrault, Gaëlle Lauriot-Prévost 30.9.2015, 6.30pm–8.15pm One of the absolute highlights of this year’s VIENNA DESIGN WEEK was the inspiring lecture given by the French star architect Dominique Perrault in the Looshaus on Michaelerplatz. The iconic rooms were heaving with people – it was also an occasion for an exclusive viewing of the rooms. Perrault and … more
Archive Marion Luttenberger Debut Exhibition Design Courses of the FH JOANNEUM Graz (University of Applied Sciences), INSPIRATION EXISTS, BUT IT HAS TO FIND YOU WORKING... FH JOANNEUM / University of Applied Sciences 25.9.–4.10.2015 In their mega origami interior installation, the FH JOANNEUM Graz boasted a superlative democratic achievement: theoretically, all works for Bachelor and Master degrees were given the opportunity to develop. The individual works formed together a large-scale inscription of the FH JOANNEUM and a … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation Designed around you – The Volvo XC90 in the Ringstrassen-Galerien Volvo 28.9.–7.10.2015 In the Vienna Ringstrassen Galerien framed in a setting of select Scandinavian furniture designs Volvo displayed a black and a white version of its model XC 90. The whole ensemble generated a fascinating atmosphere, with the cars – their exterior design created by the Austrian Maximilian Missoni … more
Archive Klaus Michael Scheibl PLATFORM Presentation designaustria, Feelgood APARTHOTEL: DESIGN FOR LIVING, TRYING-OUT, BUYING designaustria 2.–4.10.2015 aspern Vienna’s Seestadt, city on the water, is a radically new urban district offering space for around 25,000 people. Just as innovative and future- oriented as the location itself is its first hotel: the Feelgood ApartHotel sees itself as an open house with showroom and market place for Austrian … more
Archive Programme Partners Party DESIGN NITE: THE PERMANENTLY RESIDUE-LESS CHANGE hosted by FREITAG PRODUCED By HEUER/KARLSGARTEN Wirtschaftsagentur Wien 29.9.2015, 8pm Its exciting presentation ensured the MAK DESIGN NITE yet again of hitting the hot spot of the evening. In a party atmosphere, installations and culinary concepts experimented with the theme of permanently residue-less change. In its performance-presentation, the designers from FREITAG developed a … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation The Protagonist UNA plant – Innenarchitektur 25.9.–4.10.2015 The designer and interior architect Ulrike Nachbargauer tackled the historical heritage of the Vienna Burgtheater. She made a piece of furniture out of the stage boards that were laid after the post-war reunification and used until 2011. This was put on show in the setting of the Burg’s … more
Archive UNA plant Innenarchtitektur PLATFORM Talk The Protagonist UNA plant – Innenarchitektur 30.9.2015, 6.30pm For the post-war re-opening of the Burgtheater, in 1955 a new stage floor was put in. For 56 years the greatest actors in the German language had trodden these boards; on them they had endured stage fright, they had loved, they had fought – theatre history was written into them. After the … more
Archive Tracy Shaun PLATFORM Talk DEPARTURE LAB @ URBANIZE!: CONSENSUS INSTEAD OF COMPETITION Wirtschaftsagentur Wien 4.10.2015, 7pm For fifteen years now the Hamburg drinks producer Premium has been practicing an industrial model of a different kind: its philosophy of success has been shaped by radically democratic structures, fair standards and fair wages with- out further striving after profit. This best-practice agenda was … more
Archive Programme Partners Workshop DEPARTURE LAB @ URBANIZE!: CONSENSUS INSTEAD OF COMPETITION Wirtschaftsagentur Wien 3.10.2015, 11am–4pm With its events departure lab and departure talk on the topic of consensual democracy, the Vienna Business Agency spanned an arc connecting festival and sectors, while simultaneously staging a worthy finale for the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. Uwe Lübbermann, founder of the Hamburg Premium-Getränke- … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation The 4th thing/niches Technische Universität Wien, Abteilung für Dreidimensionales Gestalten und Modellbau 25.9.–4.10.2015 The department for three-dimensional design at the Vienna University of Technology presented architectural and artistic product design by the students in the public environment in and around the restaurant Heuer am Karlsplatz. The diverse objects made of UHPC concrete were the result of a … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Curated by_vienna 2015: Tomorrow Today Wirtschaftsagentur Wien 25.9.–4.10.2015 Spurred on by the aim of integrating art into the design context, the important and popular initiative curated by_vienna of the Vienna Business Agency with its Creative Center departure yet again this year invited twenty Viennese galleries for the contemporary arts to join forces in a collective … more
Archive Programme Partners Talk Crowdfunding Your Design 28.9.2015, 6.30pm–8.30pm Covering production costs in advance, financing infrastructure, launching the pre-sales of a collection or sounding out customer requirements for an entirely new idea – crowd funding is a multi-tasker! In its talk the platform explains how crowd funding functions and can be tackled with … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition “CrowdFinding”: The Empowerment Of The Local Community Poligon Creative Centre 25.9.–2.10.2015 The exhibition “CROWDFINDING”: THE EMPOWERMENT OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY” in the Impact Hub in Vienna was utterly faithful to the banner of the successful Slovenian crowdfunding campaigns. It straightforwardly outlined the success stories of young designers. Prime examples like the extendable bike … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation CO.MO x PORTUGUESE DESIGN Irena Übler 25.9.–4.10.2015 Irene Übler’s charmingly conceived installation with its pleasant aroma of cork playfully demonstrated how different polygonic constellations can be assembled out of two simple elements. In the workshop Happy Cork Hour, visitors were invited to combine the modular space and exhibition system CO.MO … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Chris Lefteri: Do Touch. Materials of the future. New Design University (NDU) St. Pölten 25.9.–4.10.2015 Trailblazing towards the future for all the senses: this was the sensational show presented by the material design expert Chris Lefteri, guest professor at the NDU. The materials of tomorrow – elastic metal, skin-thin paper, electrically conductive textile fabrics or fragrant paneling – all this … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation CHMARA.ROSINKE: CUCINA FUTURISTA 2.0 25.9.–4.10.2015 The design team chmara.rosinke worked on invading new culinary spheres in the MAK Lounge. Inspired by the 1930 futurist kitchen manifesto by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, they produced a scenario that was thought out down to the last detail and blazed a new trail in conceiving aesthetic environments … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation Stage for Art and Design Wiener Stadthalle 29.–30.9.2015 In 2015, the premium section of the Vienna Stadthalle was remodeled by Christa Stürzlinger for the Eurovision Song Contest and for two evenings it was opened to the public for the first time. The architect was responsible not only for the wall design inspired by the stone relief in the entrance … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition BMWFW, WALK OF FAME: Prizewinners of the 2015 State Design Award designforum Wien 25.9.–4.10.2015 The WALK OF FAME was a hot-topic exhibition that addressed distinctive, creative and innovative design practices. In the run-up to the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK the best of Austrian design solutions from diverse fields presented here – including hotel concept, lamp baldachin, cooking pot module, et al. … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation BIO-Tiles rausgebrannt 25.9.–3.10.2015 In their project BIO-TILES the Viennese design agency rausgebrannt explores the connection of laser technology, organic material and interior design. The three-dimensional wall tiles are presented as an installation and consist entirely of organic materials. Their fragrant surfaces activate all the … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation BEER BAR FOR THE BEER MANUFACTURER R.M.MÜLLER LABVERT 25.9.–4.10.2015 With its striking installation for the microbrewery of R.M.MÜLLER BIER in Favoriten, the design and architecture bureau LABVERT conceived a presentation space of great appeal for the public and including all their senses. Perspectives in palate-stimulation were also broadened by tasting the local … more
Archive Kramar / Kollektiv Fischka Talks Talk Concrete – Brutalism – a Misunderstanding? Oliver Elser 28.9.2015, 6pm Oliver Elser, curator at the Deutsche Architekturmuseum, projected a slow motion picture showing the demolition of the Frankfurt AfE Tower in February 2014 on the screen of the crowded Ankersaal – unforgettable images, well chosen for creating the atmosphere for his talk on controversial brutalism.
Archive Programme Partners Presentation Visiting friends Buerofreunde 25.9.–3.10.2015 With a charming presentation the young Viennese enterprise welcomed the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK public in its new showroom on Börsegasse. Here people could discover how working worlds can be designed and set up in future, how they evolve as spaces of interaction and aim to function as places of … more
Archive bueronardin Special Work-in-Progress Bernadette Wörndl (Food & Design), Barbara Gollackner (undpartner), VIENNA DESIGN COOK Alexandra Palla 1.10.2015, 7pm This year the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is serving up a special version of their gourmet program: VIENNA DESIGN COOK. The food and media expert Alexandra Palla requests chefs and designers to host a dinner or lunch. How task distribution is actually organized remains open. The connections between the … more
Archive Marcell Nimführ / Kollektiv Fischka Special Exhibition AS IF INTERPRETING VIENNA VIENNA DESIGN OFFICE, breadedEscalope 25.9.–4.10.2015 The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Embassy is a tour program representing contemporary Austrian design abroad. This year it included a selection of Austrian design objects as model for re-interpretations. Starting out from a purely verbal description by the designers, new objects are designed and created with … more
Archive Raphael Rehbach Special Workshop AS IF INTERPRETING VIENNA breadedEscalope, VIENNA DESIGN OFFICE 26.9.2015, 12pm–2pm The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Embassy takes the stage with a selection of Austrian design objects as model for re-interpretations. Start- ing out from a purely verbal description by the designers, new objects are designed and created with specified tools and materials in three workshops. The original … more
Archive Raphael Rehbach Special Workshop AS IF INTERPRETING VIENNA breadedEscalope, VIENNA DESIGN OFFICE 30.9.2015, 3.30pm–5.30pm The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Embassy takes the stage with a selection of Austrian design objects as model for re-interpretations. Start- ing out from a purely verbal description by the designers, new objects are designed and created with specified tools and materials in three workshops. The original … more
Archive Raphael Rehbach Special Workshop AS IF INTERPRETING VIENNA breadedEscalope, VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 4.10.2015, 12pm–2pm The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Embassy takes the stage with a selection of Austrian design objects as model for re-interpretations. Start- ing out from a purely verbal description by the designers, new objects are designed and created with specified tools and materials in three workshops. The original … more
Archive Programme Partners Talk Service Design applied Hotel Schani Wien 1.10.2015, 6.30pm The Hotel Schani is an immediately striking demonstration of how service design in the hotel business can be applied in practice and what research methods are needed in the run-up. Experts from architecture and design studies received an in-depth impression of how the innovative property evolved.
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition And the Rado Star Prize Austria 2015 winner is … Rado 25.9.–3.10.2015 In a delicate balancing act poised between shop and gallery, the Rado Boutique Vienna yet again combined young Austrian exhibition design with the current watch collections of the traditional Swiss brand. Besides presenting all eight projects participating in this year’s window display competition … more
Archive Kramar / Kollektiv Fischka Passionswege Presentation Alexandre Echasseriau (FR) with Wiener Silber Manufactur Wiener Silber Manufactur, Alexandre Echasseriau (FR) 25.9.–3.10.2015 With its more or less two hundred years of history, the Wiener Silber Manufactur is a prime example of the unique craftsmanship of a company with a rich, longstanding tradition. Alexandre Echasseriau, who studied at the famous École Boulle and at the ENSCI – Les Ateliers in Paris, was particularly … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition Aldo Bakker & Joan Hernández Pijuan: Figuras MAM Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art 25.9.–3.10.2015 The exhibition of the MAM gallery on Weihburggasse focused on an artistic confrontation in which the poetic works of Aldo Bakker entered into dynamic dialogue with those of Joan Hernández Pijuan. The product design by the renowned Dutch artist Bakker is articulated through his organically … more
Archive bueronardin Special Work-in-Progress CANCELED! Dottore Porchetta, Stefanie Herkner (Zur Herknerin), Lucy.D (Designstudio), VIENNA DESIGN COOK Alexandra Palla 4.10.2015, 8pm CANCELED! - absent due to ill-health of cook … This year the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is serving up a special version of their gourmet program: VIENNA DESIGN COOK. The food and media expert Alexandra Palla requests chefs and designers to host a dinner or lunch. How task distribution is actually organized … more
Archive Kurbak & O´Nascimento Special Exhibition A WARDROBE FOR RESISTANCE BY EBRU KURBAK VIENNA DESIGN OFFICE, Ebru Kurbak (AT/TR) 25.9.–11.10.2015 Ebru Kurbak is an artist, researcher and educator based in Vienna. In her work, she often focuses on the psychological, social and cultural implications of technology. Her window gallery exhibition A WARDROBE FOR RESISTANCE dealt with the personal micro electronic space around the human body – a … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition 2D_x_3D_HYBRID Fedrigoni, Birgit Knoechl 30.9.–3.10.2015 Fedrigoni has been a faithful festival partner for many years; in its showroom the artist Birgit Knoechl and the designer Philipp Bruni sounded out the dimensions of the material of paper. In a scintillating show Knoechl’s monochrome pencil drawings ran rampant out of the wall, filling the … more
Archive Programme Partners Exhibition 2051: SMART LIFE IN THE CITY 25.9.–4.10.2015 The joint exhibition project of MAK and the Vienna Business Agency, Creative Center departure, sought answers to questions about the future. As part of the VIENNA BIENNALE 2015: IDEAS FOR CHANGE, they highlighted the central role of design for a positive process of change. It presented the ideas of … more
Archive buerobauer PLATFORM Guided Tour 2051: SMART LIFE IN THE CITY 2.10.2015, 4.30pm How do we want to live in the future? As part of the VIENNA BIENNALE 2015, the exhibition project organized by MAK and the Vienna Business Agency, Creative Center departure, examines the role of design … as a tool for a positive change. Ten teams worked out ideas for urban everyday life in the … more
Archive Marcell Nimführ / Kollektiv Fischka Guest Country Exhibition 20 ICONES OF FRECH DESIGN Institut français d’Autriche 25.9.–4.10.2015 With the exhibition in the Festival Headquarters, the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK highlighted France and its position as a country with a grandiose design tradition. Sample exhibits by luminaries like Philippe Starck, Ora-Ito, Ronan Bouroullec, and Patrick Jouin highlighted the significance of French … more
Archive Hafner/Mitterer/Weiss Guest Country Guided Tour 20 ICONES OF FRENCH DESIGN Institut français d’Autriche 27.9.2015, 11am–12pm The exhibition’s goal and intention is to provide a cartographical overview of almost 100 years of French design: on show are powerfully expressive products that have had a formative influence on entire generations and in particular brought forth the “Starck children” and subsequently the French … more
Archive Hafner/Mitterer/Weiss Guest Country Guided Tour 20 ICONES OF FRENCH DESIGN Institut français d’Autriche 3.10.2015, 11am–12pm With the exhibition in the Festival Headquarters, the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK highlighted France and its position as a country with a grandiose design tradition. Sample exhibits by luminaries like Philippe Starck, Ora-Ito, Ronan Bouroullec, and Patrick Jouin highlighted the significance of French … more
Archive Hafner/Mitterer/Weiss Guest Country Guided Tour 20 ICONES OF FRENCH DESIGN Institut français d’Autriche 4.10.2015, 11am–12pm The exhibition’s goal and intention is to provide a cartographical overview of almost 100 years of French design: on show are powerfully expressive products that have had a formative influence on entire generations and in particular brought forth the “Starck children” and subsequently the French … more
Archive Programme Partners Work-in-Progress ... When threads weave up to heaven ... Beate von Harten, Atelier für Textildesign, Restaurierung, Konservierung 25.9.–2.10.2015 This year, too, Beate von Harten welcomed visitors to the intimate atmosphere of her textile studio and demonstrated the techniques and processes of an increasingly rare handicraft: weaving. For decades she has devoted herself to making contemporary designs, likewise to the conservation of a whole … more
Archive Programme Partners Presentation SUPERLABOURREMIXED Superated + Labour of Wood 25.9.–4.10.2015 The labels of the fashion designer Peter Holzinger (Superated) and the furniture designer and architect Sandra Knöbl (Labour of Wood) fused for this project of showing intarsia in an inspiring ambience. Integrating materials like wood, metal, fur and fabric, also ancient handicraft traditions … more